python-twitter-django-tags copied to clipboard
Useful python-twitter template tags for use with python-twitter api in your django app
Useful python-twitter template tags for use with python-twitter api in your django app. Inspired by django-twitter-tag app. The same type of template integration was desired with python-twitter.
This code is very compact and easily integrates into your existing projects. As of now, I am not planning to package it as a portable reusable app.
================ Documentation
It's pretty straight forward. See usage below.
================ Dependencies
================ Installation
Install this into one of your existing django projects simply by copying the 'templatetags' folder into one of your existing apps.
Install python-twitter for your django project
Copy the templatetags folder to the desired django app inside your project
Ensure the appliation that you added the folder to is in your INSTALLED_APPS in your
Use the tags inside of your template:
================ Usage
Example usage, assuming that tweets
returns a user timeline (See Setting up your view on how to set this up).
<div class="block social-block social-twitter">
{% load twitter_tags %}
<h1>{% trans "Our Twitter" %}</h1>
{% for tweet in tweets %}
<div class="tweet-meta">
<a href="{{ tweet.user.screen_name }}/status/{{ }}" target="_blank">
<img src="{{ tweet.user.profile_image_url }}" width="32" height="32" />
<h2>{{ }}<br /><span>@{{ tweet.user.screen_name }} · {{ tweet.created_at|twitter_date }}</span></h2>
<p>{{ tweet|expand_tweet_urls|urlize_tweet_text|safe }}</p>
{% endfor %}
<a href="#" class="btn btn-round btn-red">{% trans "Follow Us" %}</a>
NOTE: Make sure to use expand_tweet_urls before urlize_tweet_text
================ Setting up your View
Example get_tweets() function that can be used in your view to retrieve tweets.
import twitter
def get_tweets():
returns twitter feed with settings as described below, contains all related twitter settings
api = twitter.Api(consumer_key='yourcustomerkey',
return api.GetUserTimeline(screen_name='twitter_screen_name', exclude_replies=True, include_rts=False) # includes entities
Usage in your view:
from your.utils.lib import get_tweets
context['tweets'] = get_tweets()
================ Getting the code
The code is hosted at For python twitter, the code is hosted at