webpack-auto-inject-version copied to clipboard
updating packages for webpack 5 compatibility
webpack 5 has a new object structure. This specific change was causing the build to fail so. Adding those changes in this PR for future use. https://webpack.js.org/contribute/writing-a-plugin/ @radswiat
@teodoradima or @radswiat could you merge this PR?
@radswiat please merge this PR
@raviteja9135 I have a fork that works with webpack 5. However, I only tested inject by tag. See the repo here: https://github.com/teodoradima/webpack-auto-inject-version
Can't use your fork since you did not build the changes so /dist is not patched. I do use patch package instead:
npm i patch-package
diff --git a/node_modules/webpack-auto-inject-version/dist/WebpackAutoInjectVersion.js b/node_modules/webpack-auto-inject-version/dist/WebpackAutoInjectVersion.js
index 7f672ae..b6fca30 100644
--- a/node_modules/webpack-auto-inject-version/dist/WebpackAutoInjectVersion.js
+++ b/node_modules/webpack-auto-inject-version/dist/WebpackAutoInjectVersion.js
@@ -3066,7 +3066,7 @@ var AutoIncreaseVersion = function () {
// we have to register AutoIncreaseVersion instead of firing it straight away
if (_config2.default.componentsOptions.AutoIncreaseVersion.runInWatchMode) {
if (this.context.compiler) {
- this.context.compiler.plugin('emit', function (compilation, cb) {
+ this.context.compiler.hooks.emit.tapAsync('emit', function (compilation, cb) {
@@ -3276,7 +3276,7 @@ var InjectAsComment = function () {
var _this = this;
// bind into emit hook
- this.context.compiler.plugin('emit', function (compilation, cb) {
+ this.context.compiler.hooks.emit.tapAsync('emit', function (compilation, cb) {
// iterate over all assets file in compilation
for (var basename in compilation.assets) {
// bug fix, extname is not able to handle chunk file params index.js?random123
@@ -3508,7 +3508,7 @@ var InjectByTag = function () {
value: function apply() {
var _this = this;
- this.context.compiler.plugin('emit', function (compilation, cb) {
+ this.context.compiler.hooks.emit.tapAsync('emit', function (compilation, cb) {
// for every output file
for (var basename in compilation.assets) {
// only if match regex
Hey folks, a bit late to the party, but, I hit this and tried to help out in 2 ways:
- I submitted a PR against @teodoradima fork with and update to lazily add the InjectAsComment support to combine with his/her quick fixes for InjectFromTag approach. https://github.com/teodoradima/webpack-auto-inject-version/pull/1.
I can try to fixup any small issues as I mostly just tested it around my immediate usage needs, but fundamentally it seems to work. I don't intend to update tests or other build framework at this time as I just don't have time to do the updates necessary to the repo to get it all working.
- In an effort of further troubleshooting (unrelated to the plug-in above), I (again lazily) took much of the logic from the original plugin source and hard-coded a plug-in that can be dropped in a standalone file in your local repository to do the InjectAsComment approach. See below if this may help you.
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const webpackSources = require('webpack-sources');
const pluginComponentName = 'WebpackVersionInject';
const endOfLine = require('os').EOL;
const validTags = {
version: (options) => {
return options.version;
date: () => {
return new Date().toUTCString();
* Handle asset file
* - call suitable inject based on file extension
* @param ext
* @param asset
* @private
* @return {ReplaceSource}
const _handleAssetFile = (ext, asset, options) => {
switch (ext) {
case '.js': {
return injectIntoJs(asset, options);
case '.html': {
return injectIntoHtml(asset, options);
case '.css': {
return injectIntoCss(asset, options);
return null;
* Parse tags
* - parse inject tags eg {version}, {date}
* @private
* @param baseOpen
* @param baseClose
* @return {string}
const parseTags = (baseOpen, baseClose, options) => {
let tagPattern = options.componentsOptions.InjectAsComment.tag;
tagPattern = tagPattern.replace(/(\{([a-zA-Z]+)\})/g, tag => {
const tagName = tag.replace(/(\{|\})/g, '');
if (typeof validTags[tagName] === 'function') {
return validTags[tagName](options);
log.error(`unsupported tag in componentsOptions.InjectAsComment.tag [${tagName}]`);
return tag;
return `${baseOpen} ${tagPattern} ${baseClose}`;
* Inject into css
* - inject tag comment into css asset file
* - format: / ** .... ** /
* @private
* @param asset
* @return {ReplaceSource}
const injectIntoCss = (asset, options) => {
asset.insert(0, `${parseTags(`/** [${options.SHORT}] `, ' **/ ', options)}${endOfLine}`);
return asset;
* Inject into html
* - inject tag comment into html asset file
* - format: <!-- ... -->
* @private
* @param asset
* @return {ReplaceSource}
const injectIntoHtml = (asset, options) => {
asset.insert(0, `${parseTags(`<!-- [${options.SHORT}] `, ' --> ', options)}${endOfLine}`);
return asset;
* Inject into JS
* - inject tag comment into JS asset file
* - format: // ...
* @private
* @param asset
* @return {ReplaceSource}
const injectIntoJs = (asset, options) => {
options.componentsOptions.InjectAsComment.multiLineCommentType ?
`${parseTags(`/*! [${options.SHORT}] `, '*/ ', options)}${endOfLine}` :
`${parseTags(`// [${options.SHORT}] `, ' ', options)}${endOfLine}`
return asset;
// the date formatting is somewhat nerfed from original and just hardcodes new Date().toUTCString() to reduce
// dependencies for the project
module.exports = class WebpackVersionInjectPlugin {
// many of these options dont do anything with this plugin
static defaultOptions = {
SILENT: false,
PACKAGE_JSON_PATH: './package.json',
components: {
InjectAsComment: true
componentsOptions: {
AutoIncreaseVersion: {
runInWatchMode: false
InjectAsComment: {
tag: 'Build version: {version} - {date}',
multiLineCommentType: false
AIS_START: 'Auto inject version started'
constructor(options = {}) {
this.options = { ...WebpackVersionInjectPlugin.defaultOptions, ...options };
const packageFile = JSON.parse(
fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(this.options.PACKAGE_JSON_PATH), 'utf8')
// we inject version as a runtime generated value, allowing the user to override it optionally
this.options.version = this.options.version ?? packageFile.version;
apply(compiler) {
compiler.hooks.compilation.tap(pluginComponentName, compilation => {
compilation.hooks.processAssets.tap({ name: pluginComponentName, stage: compiler.webpack.Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_ADDITIONS }, assets => {
for (let a in assets) {
const asset = compilation.getAsset(a); // <- standardized version of asset object
// bug fix, extname is not able to handle chunk file params index.js?random123
const ext = path.extname(a).replace(/(\?)(.){0,}/, '');
const contents = asset.source.source();
if (!contents.substring) {
console.log(`skipping asset with no source content ${JSON.stringify(a)} ${typeof contents}`);
const newSource = new webpackSources.ReplaceSource(asset.source);
_handleAssetFile(ext, newSource, this.options);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log(`InjectAsComment : match : ${a} : injected : ${this.options.version}`);
compilation.updateAsset(a, new webpackSources.RawSource(newSource.source()));
return Promise.resolve();
Usage (in webpack.config.js):
// path to the file containing the code above
const WebpackVersionInjectPlugin = require('./webpack.versionInject.plugin.js');
new WebpackVersionInjectPlugin({
SHORT: 'MyApplication',
components: {
AutoIncreaseVersion: false,
InjectAsComment: true
componentsOptions: {
InjectAsComment: {
tag: '| Version: {version} | {date}',
multiLineCommentType: true