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This repository is place where you can learn about data structures and algorithms if you want, but don't play to much with it because it's too hard.

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DSA for Absolute Dummies😵‍💫

  • This is a super simplified examples of the common data structures and algorithms written in easy to read C++ (mostly for now), Python and JS.
  • Reading through this will help you learn about data structures and algorithms and how to use them etc.

Why should I care to do this?

  • Lack of good courses and good books.
  • It's simpler for me, I like to learn about this stuff, and every day working on this I am learning new stuff too.
  • Because I need it to refresh my memory if I am stuck on something or whatever..
  • You can use it to refresh your memory too or to learn something new, but easy way (it's not easy, it's hard but it will get easier in time).

But data structures and algorithms are so hard!

  • Yes. Life is hard. I have just one question on that. Do you remember that first day you enter this field of programming and IT in general? I remember that I've struggled for 7 days about basic functions (objects) and functionality behind them? Funny? That's all I am gonna say.

Where to begin?

  • You can simply start over here wherever you want. Try to go through some Data Structures first.
  • Then, you can go through google and find some easy exercises or websites with coding problems like Codewars or LeetCode.
  • Or you can go buy some book or course and use this if you are stuck on something or you don't understand some stuff.


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