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A Java/Android Client library for interacting with a RADIX Distributed Ledger.

Results 21 radixdlt-java issues
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If say the number of nodes in the network are less than expected, a network split might have occurred in which case there is a probability that atoms submitted and...


Check that temporal proofs are signed by nodes and are correct proofs.


Need to deserialize this info from atom json.


Need to save keys of nodes the client connects to and check signatures sent by the node sent to us.


Currently there is no persistence in saving atoms or nodes.


Currently nothing is being caught if network error occurs when trying to contact node-finder causing any application to crash. Need to catch this handle it gracefully.


Implement reactive-streams for both receiving and sending items.


Currently no way to disconnect from ledger or network layer. Implement this.


Do this for: * retrieving atoms for network validation purpose * submitting atoms to verify that atom was accepted by network


As part of discussion with Dan, choosing nodes with close id's allows us to deterministically randomize the nodes a client can connect to, thus effectively load balancing the network.
