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Beta 19: Error converting from JSON in Examples

Open pedronahum opened this issue 3 years ago • 0 comments


What better way to start the year than testing your Java library? :)

Wanted to test the most recent version (Beta 19), yet although the code compiles, I get in all the examples: "Error converting from JSON in Examples".

''' Caused by: com.radixdlt.serialization.DeserializeException: Error converting from JSON Caused by: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: Unrecognized Type: [null] (through reference chain: com.radixdlt.client.core.address.RadixUniverseConfig["genesis"]->java.util.ArrayList[0]->com.radixdlt.client.core.atoms.Atom["particleGroups"]->com.radixdlt.client.core.atoms.ParticleGroup["particles"]->com.radixdlt.client.core.atoms.particles.SpunParticle["particle"]) '''

The errors are triggered when initialising the api layer. Note that I followed the steps from "https://docs.radixdlt.com/kb/develop/betanet-emulator" and the emulator is up-and-running. Also please note that the beta emulator example works well with implementation 'com.radixdlt:radixdlt-java:dbfd5064e5'.

Could it be that the beta emulator is not yet compatible with the latest version of the Java library? All these tests are being done on a macOS Big Sur (version 11.1) with Java/JavaC 11.0.9.


PS -

It might be worth to update the getting starting example, as the api of the Java library has evolved.

pedronahum avatar Jan 01 '21 10:01 pedronahum