radis copied to clipboard
Deploy Radis on Anaconda
🎯 Todo
Will be much easier to deal with all dependencies and C-compiled components.
Issue open to be taken, if anyone is experienced with publishing Conda packages !
💡 Possible implementations
- https://levelup.gitconnected.com/publishing-your-python-package-on-conda-and-conda-forge-309a405740cf
- How to Setup Automatic Uploads to Anaconda from Travis CI in 15 minutes ?
- Building a Conda recipee
We'd love to see radis
on anaconda @Eradiate! We would like to add radis
to our dependencies but we work with anaconda packages only. We would be able to help with building and uploading radis to anaconda, when time permits (our agenda is pretty busy at the moment).
This would be very helpful, I have never cooked a Conda recipee !
@nollety if you happened to have some time to spend on this Issue, it would be very helpful !
Hi @erwanp, I'd love to work on this but with our next deadlines coming up and all the work left to do I can't see myself getting back to this issue before the end of the year unfortunately.
No problem, best luck with the deadlines !
I would like to work on this issue
Great ! Are you experienced with writing conda recipees?
I have to see conda recipes in detail.
I would strongly recommend to use the conda-forge machinery rather than manually maintain conda building machinery here and on your own conda channel.
They have detailed guides how to set up a staged recipe, and of course you can check out the feedstocks of other packages in the repos of <"packagename">-feedstock
Hello @bsipocz , thank you for the advice ! @arunavabasu-03 can you have a look ?
Ok @erwanp, I will see that thing.
The conda-forge people are generarily super helpful, and the infrastructure is very well maintained and looked after with all the nuts and bolts included, so overall you will be better off (for all the astropy packages we maintained our recipes for a while, but since we switches it's much less headache for a much stable result).
Linking conda-forge
pull request: https://github.com/conda-forge/staged-recipes/pull/20936
The conda-forge people are generarily super helpful, and the infrastructure is very well maintained and looked after with all the nuts and bolts included, so overall you will be better off (for all the astropy packages we maintained our recipes for a while, but since we switches it's much less headache for a much stable result).
Thanks @bsipocz for the tip, btw!