timecard icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
timecard copied to clipboard

Keep track of your project development time.

Results 10 timecard issues
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pendel, twelve-to-twentyfour and count-seconds can probably be consolidated into [moment.js](https://github.com/moment/moment) or [date-fns](https://github.com/date-fns/date-fns)


If someone uses the command `timecard print`, that printout should include the current time factored into the overall time duration. For example, if you create a new timecard and then...


I am thinking that I would like to see the printout data to the console in [table format](https://github.com/jamestalmage/cli-table2), to reflect the look and feel of actual timecards (that get stamped...


allow a print option that will show your timecard in relation to your local git commits.

help wanted

The ability to use the timecard data to calculate the total cost for hourly-based projects would be cool.


Would be nice to see a snapshot of `months/weeks/days` to the print output. Currently there is just `hours/minutes/seconds`

help wanted

Items that need to be tested via the CLI: ### API Tests - [ ] `timecard new` (with existing .timecard.json file, should confirm overwrite) - [ ] `timecard new` (without...

help wanted

❯ npm outdated Package Current Wanted Latest Location ava 0.12.0 0.12.0 0.15.2 ava babel 5.8.38 5.8.38 6.5.2 babel babel-runtime 5.8.38 5.8.38 6.9.2 babel-runtime inquirer 0.9.0 0.9.0 1.1.2 inquirer nyc 5.6.0...