greatmaps copied to clipboard
Repeating/Continuous Map
Is possible to set the map continuous?
not implemented yet
I think this and #82 are the same problem. Is there an estimate for the work/cost involved to fix this?
I understand that I, probably, will dublicate the question, but, it is passed 6+ years since first issue opened. Do you have any improvements?
I am designing the Ships Voyage planning application and still awaiting for map looping on scrolling.
Could you give us some hope for this? So many apps can do this, your Maps are really Great but only one important feature lacks it :(
Also I need to make route by sea surface from Japan to Hawaii... But your map ends somwhere in ocean... :( How to show the route to destination with passing DSL.
Any Solution ?
Any Solution ?
Any Solution ?
No, still looking for solution. It seems to be at least 3 copies of the map sticked together so route can pass from one to another via DSL in pacific ocean...
How to make it, no idea.