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Improve the switching between states #160
Open • sebastinez opened about 4 months ago • 3 comments
1 🚀
Assignees: sebastinez
Labels: enhancement
At the moment when switching branches, or views in the project component we
don't have a desktop experience.
This can be solved by prefetching the information instead of going into a
loading state.
sebastinez (Member) • Jan 21, 2022
A first step avoiding the moving of the page when the scrollbar pops in, is
commit 9a9f4687ddd6f12a95828b0f3720927cddf70f78 on the sebastinez/commit-
detail branch.
A next step would be to improve the loading states.
sebastinez (Member) • Mar 21, 2022
I think this issue can be solved with implementing more SSR, explained in
issue #218
cloudhead (Member) • Mar 21, 2022 • Newest comment
1 👍
I'm not sure, isn't SSR only used for the initial page load in this case?
The issue is solvable by preloading though.
View this issue on GitHub: https://github.com/radicle-dev/radicle-interface/issues/160
@erak this would be very useful! are there any plans to work on this soon ?
I also noticed the web UI has support for issues now, but I'm wondering how that works without this implemented... 🤔
Any chance this issue is simply out-of-date?