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PenText system: Easily create beautifully looking penetration test quotes, reports, and documents in many formats (PDF, text, JSON, CSV, ...)
The PenText XML documentation project is a collection of XML templates, XML schemas and XSLT code, which combined provide an easy way to generate IT security documents including test reports (for penetration tests, load tests, code audits, etc), offers (to companies requesting these tests), and invoices.
How it Works
The OWASP PenText project is based on XML. A PenText Report, Quote, Invoice or Generic Document is in fact a (modular) XML document, conforming to an XML Schema. The XML Schema ensures that the documents are structured correctly, so that they can then be transformed into other formats like PDF, CSV and JSON using XSLT and the SAXON XSLT processor.
To produce a PDF document, the report, offer, invoice or generic document XML is first transformed into XSL-FO (XSL Formatting Objects), which is then converted to PDF using Apache FOP.
It is also possible to export e.g. all findings of a report to JSON, XML or plaintext format.
The Structure
- The framework itself consists of files in the
directory - A report or quote will go into
- Graphics, including screenshots and e.g. a company logo, will go into
- Findings and non-findings of penetration test reports can go into
Getting Started
What do you need ?
Clone this repository
Install the toolchain
Edit the content
Listo! That's all you need. Now you can build PDF reports using the content.
To convert the XML content into PDF files the tools the Apache FOP library and the Java library Saxon will be used. A separate repository will contain these tools on a handy Docker container.
To edit (and view) the content you'll need a XML editor - which could be any text editor like JEdit, to a full IDE- for editing of course ;). Preferably something that can check XML file validity. To view the resulting PDF files a PDF viewer is necessary.
Building PDFs
Manually compiling a quotation, report or other document can be done using the supplied Makefile:
make report
This performs
java -jar path-to-Saxon-jar -s:name-of-xml-file -xsl:name-of-xsl-file-in-xsl-directory -o:name-for-pdf-output
See for more detailed information the tools manual
Building CSVs
To export all findings as CSV file run:
make export-csv
This will output all columns as separate fields as well as a "Jira Formatted Description" field that can be used in Jira.
Building CSVs using CI/CD
Copy over the latest xslt/findings2csv
to your project.
Make sure the build step in gitlab-ci.yml
saves .csv
- docbuilder
stage: build
- echo "Building documents!"
- target/*.pdf
- target/*.csv
CSVs will now be generated alongside every PDF.
Adding and Modifying Content
- There is a guide for report writing
- There is also a guide for quotation writing
Example documents
Besides the reports and quotations, generic documents can also be created. Those can be found here
Important note
From version 2.0 onwards, the structure of the PenText repository has been simplified. Please see the CHANGELOG for more information.