TensorRT_TX2_20FPS icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
TensorRT_TX2_20FPS copied to clipboard

Target to achieve 20 fps of vehicle/pedestrian detection(Fast R-CNN) on TX2 via TensorRT



to test one of the real-time object detection algos (SSD, YOLO2 or Fast R-CNN) on TX2 via TensorRT, aiming for 20 fps of vehicle/pedestrian detection performance.


1, Running SSD, YOLO2, Fast R-CNN etc. algos on Jetson TX2, with CUdnn/Caffe, most commonly achieves only 8-9 fps, according to informaton from NVDIA developer forum.

2, NVIDI officially claims the new TensorRT 2 (under Jetpack 3.1) can accelerate the detection by 2x

Therefore the purpose for this project is to achieve around 20 fps on TX2 through tensorRT, using one of the real-time object detection algos (SSD, YOLO2 or Fast R-CNN).

Related resources

[1.a] https://myurasov.github.io/2016/11/27/ssd-tx1.html
steps for SSD install on TX1; claims SSD model runs at ~8.5 FPS on TX1 without using TensorRT.

[1.b] https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/1021356/caffe-ssd-on-tx2-cudnn_status_internal_error/ NVIDIA steps for SSD install on TX2.

[2] TensorRT folder on TX2, after successful Jetpack 3.1 installation
There is a sampleFastRCNN example under sample folder, which reads individual images as input

[3] http://docs.nvidia.com/deeplearning/sdk/tensorrt-developer-guide/index.html#setinput
Official NVIDIA documentation on TensorRT, including the sampleFasterRCNN module. Basically, this existing sample module takes ppm file as input, meaning in case a video file is input instead, some image processing library is needed to extract frames and convert them into ppm format.

https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/1023905/jetson-tx2/no-result-when-using-tensorrt-sample-fasterrcnn-with-other-images/3 Q&A of loading jpg file for sampleFasterRCNN

3-rd party explanation of gstreamer piplines on Jetson TX2;

http://developer2.download.nvidia.com/embedded/L4T/r24_Release_v2.0/Docs/L4T_Tegra_X1_Multimedia_User_Guide_Release_24.2.pdf?N2WLlIXCd3pm_shGSAXKkLxPRe5fO1bAjiOOTKyFFqe5Xecan7C0F7O0oWhUvcxrD828mvemWUBBYu5wb5gENNE_ZfP7z58J_GC3raZWAilfQ_JKnjXQNlAjbK5Gts4GqkT4vtnGF1uCIXGJbFTIJ2Bz-_GDdNdDaUvMgyX9S1tqWp-8rKYw-SJKb5Fh-9MsjWEnwUk Nvidia Manual of gstreamer pipeline on Jetson

[4] https://github.com/dusty-nv/jetson-inference/blob/master/imagenet-console/imagenet-console.cpp#L68
Jetpack example code, load .jpg file into CUDA memory

[5] https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/1024723/detectnet-quot-video-file-quot-rather-than-a-jpg-or-camera-how-do-i-test-a-file-/
One user posted a solution using using gstreamer to take a video file as input

[6] https://yq.aliyun.com/articles/160369

[7] http://download.csdn.net/download/zys615/9956504

Googlenet sample on TX2

on TX2, following reference [5],
$ cd ~/tegra_multimedia_api/samples/backend
$ ./backend 1 ../../data/Video/sample_outdoor_car_1080p_10fps.h264 H264 --trt-deployfile ../../data/Model/GoogleNet_one_class/GoogleNet_modified_oneClass_halfHD.prototxt --trt-modelfile ../../data/Model/GoogleNet_one_class/GoogleNet_modified_oneClass_halfHD.caffemodel --trt-forcefp32 0 --trt-proc-interval 1 -fps 10

Test result:
the above commands runs pretty smooth on TX2, although detection result not the best.

SSD Test on TX2

(1) Installation Followed steps suggested as below, https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/1021356/caffe-ssd-on-tx2-cudnn_status_internal_error/
during patch stage, the update of 1st file, i.e., Makefile, has to be done manually cause $ git apply xx.patch failed

(2) pre-trained caffe model is download as suggested in page below

Test result:

  • changed sample outdoor_car_xx video file from 1080p to 720p, and it runs 9 fps on TX2
  • revise the video file input inside ssd_pascal_video.py accordingly
    $ cd Caffe_ROOT $ python ./examples/ssd/ssd_pascal_video.py

Technics for Jetson TX2

(1) Two ways to change TX2's running clocks/mode

1.1 maximize clock speed
$ sudo /home/ubuntu/jetson_clocks.sh to maximize the speed
show all the options by running,
$ sudo /home/ubuntu/jetson_clocks.sh --help
to save default clock speed into a file, run
$ sudo /home/ubuntu/jetson_clocks.sh --store
to restore the default clock speed, run
$ sudo /home/ubuntu/jetson_clocks.sh --restore

refer to the link below for details,

1.2 switch running mode by running
$ sudo nvpmodel -m [mode]
query which mode is currently being used by running
$ sudo nvpmodel -q --verbose

refer to the link below for details,

(2) loop play videos with customized fps in a folder mplayer -fps 10 -fs -loop 0 *.avi

(3) convert video fps $ MP4Box -add test_track1.h264:fps=30 -new DestMovie.mp4

Video file input using Gstreamer --> not successful

(2) AF01 video convert from avi -> H264
$ avconv -i af01_779.avi -c:v libx264 -c:a copy -s 1920x1080 -r 25 af01_779HD.h264
so that the sample "back" program in TX2 can recognize.

(3) gstreamer playback on TX2 The following pipeline settings can playback .h264 AF01 video on TX2, which is converted from .avi format
$ gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=af01_779.h264 ! h264parse ! omxh264dec ! nveglglessink -e

(4) a few examples about grabbing frame from video file using Gstreamer
4.1 using pad/probe mechanism,

4.2 using buffer/sample+buffer
4.2-a for gst-0.xx version,

4.2-b for gst-1.0 version
sample = gst_app_sink_pull_sample(GST_APP_SINK(sink));

(5) Error while compiling customized sampleFasterRCNN.cpp program
undefined reference to cudaRGBToRGBA
Suggested to add -lcuda -lcudart in cmake file

Example codes of Gstreamer video inputs https://cgit.freedesktop.org/gstreamer/gst-plugins-base/tree/tests/examples/snapshot/snapshot.c

Gstreamer official site, handy elements
including a convenient launch cmd, $ gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=f:\media\sintel\sintel_trailer-480p.webm ! decodebin ! autovideosink

and the following page gives an example casting from autovideosink to appsink,

example https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27419113/playing-a-raw-video-using-gst-launch including such an example pipeline, video framerate $ gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=/home/user/Videos/out.yuv ! videoparse width=1920 height=816 framerate=24/1 format=2 ! autovideoconvert ! autovideosink

Use OpenCV 3.0 rather than Gstreamer --> succeed!

(1) A good example explanation of opencv 3.0 install on TX2, including code snippet using gstreamer pipeline to read cam input and convert format at the end,
and this one on opencv 3 install on TX2,

(2) Both ssd_object_detection.cpp & ssd_mobilenet_object_detection.cpp file under
include complete flowchart of video file input->frame capture->apply DNN->plot result frame using OpenCV (c++)!

(3) makefile example for opencv https://gist.github.com/kevinhughes27/5311609 -- tested working https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9870297/makefile-to-compile-opencv-code-in-c-on-ubuntu-linux -- not working?