Radek Stepan

Results 52 issues of Radek Stepan

Check that we have not run out of requests to make, write a test for this. https://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting


Web storage and location hash supported by 93% of browsers; good enough? Check for support and show an error message otherwise.


Show an overall text-based status like: all projects on time etc.


Try appending '.0' to milestone titles to pass semver validation and compare 4.0, 5.x etc.


Responsive layout hiding header links into a button that expands into a menu onclick. See http://www.ractivejs.org/ for an example.


Show number of tasks, points, days left, progress bar in the header of a milestone page, just like in Assembly.


The app bundle (albeit uncompressed) clocks in at 560 kB, reduce the size (d3 is huge (use grunt-smash, docs here)).


Give people the ability to use private or public repo access. Use a dropdown button instead of the current Sign In button, where we can choose either or. http://material-ui.com/#/components/dropdown-menu.


Use issue title to determine size. So change the config file and make it extensible to select other strategies for size counting.


Deal with Firebase timing out, are we still logged-in? Show a warning page telling the people to refresh the browser (adding a button to do the same).
