
Results 464 comments of Radek

Although I have SKR V1.4, they are quite similar with your SKR. Bl-Touch works well for me. Here are the differences from your configuration. comment // #define ENDSTOPPULLUP_ZMIN_PROBE // #define...

I'm estimating it on the burned Mosfet Q4 (PL4009) If the pin on the processor is not damaged, it will be enough to replace the Mosfet. If it is destroyed,...

Why did you connect a bucket converter to the fan output? If you want to connect a fan there that has a different voltage, it will only work in the...

I don't use a chamber fan, so I didn't find out if it could be regulated. I use a control board fan. He can be regulated. If you do not...

The SKR board regulates and switches the negative pole on the Fan, Heat and BED connectors. If Mosfet burned down, the fan will not run at all, or still, depending...

It was clear from the beginning that Mofset was defective. It could also be a faulty pin on the CPU but it's less likely. The article you are referring to...

BTT seems to have learned and is installing a protection diode in the new boards. This is SKR Mini E3 V3.0 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/46979052/153711325-e7342751-1131-448c-adde-659ce71ce2c2.png)

Please close the ticket


You send configuration files Maybe this will help. https://reprap.org/forum/read.php?415,880561