gui copied to clipboard
Panels/Frames do not respond to scrolling
The following program creates a top-level frame% instance containing a vertical panel.
#lang racket
(require racket/gui)
(define the-frame
(new frame%
[label "a frame"]
[width 100]
[height 200]))
(define the-panel
(new vertical-panel%
[parent the-frame]
[style '(auto-vscroll)]))
(for ([i (in-range 50)])
(new group-box-panel%
[label (number->string i)]
[parent the-panel]))
(send the-frame show #t)
Even though a scroll-bar shows up, neither the frame or panel seems to respond to scroll events from the mouse. It would be nice if frames and/or panels supported scrolling with the mouse wheel the same that canvases/editors do.
Same here.
It's been one and a half year. Does any solution come out?
This issue has been mentioned on Racket Discussions. There might be relevant details there:
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This issue has been mentioned on Racket Discourse. There might be relevant details there:
This issue has been mentioned on Racket Discourse. There might be relevant details there: