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Icon Font
I'm trying to solve the problem of icons having to be specially positioned. Reach has special styles to position icons, but when we work with other CPs and they implement vanilla Canon, the icons end up off-center. Example:,%2011.46.19%20AM.png
@bradgignac suggested that if we switched to an icon font it would solve the problem. I put together a list of FontAwesome substitutes. Many of these are also the same icons being used by Cloud Intelligence w/ Canon-Bootstrap, so changing our icon set could make it one step easier for teams to migrate to Canon-Bootstrap in the future.
External link: fa-external-link Cog: fa-cog Pencil: fa-pencil Error: fa-exclamation-triangle Sort Asc: fa-sort-asc Sort Dsc: fa-sort-desc Caret: fa-angle-down Question mark: fa-question-circle Plus: fa-plus-square-o Checkmark: fa-check-square Hamburger: fa-bars Delete: fa-minus-circle