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React components for Rackspace's Canon framework

Build Status npm version



React components for Rackspace's Canon framework


For issues or feature requests please submit an issue. For more information on contributing to canon-react, checkout the Contributing Guide


The latest stable release is available under the releases section of the repository. You can also generate a release from master if you wish to live on the edge.

To build a bundled file for release run scripts/cibuild


Publishing a new release involves three steps:

  1. Create and merge a pull request which updates the changelog and version number. This may be done automatically by running the script.
  2. Create a new release and upload a newly-created .tar.gz package. This may be done automatically by running scripts/ from the main directory.
  3. Publish the new version to npm by running npm publish.

Instructions For Including In Your Project

npm install canon-react will install the canon-react module inside of the node_modules directory of your current directory. npm install canon-react -g will install the canon-react module globally.

Using Components

After installation you can use canon react components.

var Component = require('canon-react').Component;


import {Component} from 'canon-react';

An example of how to use canon-react components can be found in node_modules/canon-react/demo/demo.jsx


This is a list of what is planned for the next release

v 1.0.0

What would you like to see? Request Features