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This "Conda Tutorial" is part of the quest to navigate your "Software Engineer Career" into "Senior Developer" and "Lead Developer" Roles. Join Rachit Jain in his journey as he learns and shares his...

Conda Cheatsheet

NOTE: This tutorial is part of the series lead by Rachit Jain, an ex-Microsoft Software Engineer.
With experience, you improve, but how many Senior Software Engineers are out there who share their complete journey of their growth?
Join Rachit in the journey to learn and master your technical skills and navigate into Senior Software Engineering roles, and becoming a 10x Developer.

Installation at

Watch the YouTube video for the demo here on Algorithms with Rachit.

This is the list of major Conda commands that you would need while working as a Software Engineer.

  • Creating an environment
    • Create an empty environment
      • conda create -n myfirstcondaenv 
    • Create conda environment with Python 3.7
      • conda create -n mysecondcondaenv python=3.7
    • Create conda environment from requirements.txt file
      • conda create -n myenv -f requirements.txt
  • Installing/Removing Packages
    • Install from default channels into current environment
      • conda install scipy
    • Install from specific channel into current environment
      • conda install scipy --channel conda-forge
    • Install specific versions into specific environment
      • conda install scipy=0.15.0 curl=7.26.0 -n py34_env
    • Removing specific versions into specific environment
      • conda remove scipy=0.15.0 curl=7.26.0 -n py34_env
  • Searching for Packages
    • Search for a package into default channels
      • conda search scipy
    • Search for a package with specfic version
      • conda search python=3.9
    • Search for a package into specific channels only
      •  conda search --override-channels  --channel mutirri iminuit
  • Listing packages in current environment
    • Complete list of packages of current environment
      • conda list
    • Exporting the above list into a requirements.txt file
      • conda list --export > requirements.txt
    • Search for a specific package in current environment
      •  conda list python=3.7
  • Other commands
    • Listing all conda environments
      •  conda env list
    • Delete an environment and everything in it
      •  conda env remove -n myfirstenv
    • Conda information (conda version, about channels, etc)
      •  conda info

For more cheatsheet commands, visit this.