
Results 15 comments of rachelsunrh

你使用的是二阶DGI Python, 在提交脚本里需要设置second=true

最好提交一下代码,通过pr(pull requests)提交,小的功能模块也是可以的

搜索这个错误ExitCodeException exitCode=-1073741515 检查hadoop安装是否有问题

检查一下你的链接是不是有问题, 打不开


每周的作业分周提交吧,不然可能会漏看 另外跑通的日志截个图,之后代码提交pr

maybe you can pull the new code again from branch-2.1.0 , in which there are functions, such as : save(path), saveWeight(path) and load(path). https://github.com/Angel-ML/angel/blob/branch-2.1.0/spark-on-angel/mllib/src/main/scala/com/tencent/angel/spark/ml/online_learning/FtrlFM.scala

> Angel's model, after adding features, does not currently support incremental training. > For example, the model has n features before, now add m features, and now there are a...