rboot copied to clipboard
failure selecting boot rom
I'm not sure this is an 'issue' the way it's meant, but I'm getting this a lot recently (using SMING):
ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:1, boot mode:(3,6)
load 0x40100000, len 1220, room 16
tail 4
chksum 0xda
load 0x3ffe8000, len 640, room 4
tail 12
chksum 0xa8
csum 0xa8
rBoot v1.4.2 - [email protected]
Flash Size: 32 Mbit
Flash Mode: DIO
Flash Speed: 40 MHz
Resetting boot config.
Invalid rom selected, defaulting to 0.
Rom 0 at 0 is bad.
Rom -1 at 0 is bad.
Rom -1 at 0 is bad.
Rom -1 at 0 is bad.
What I have tried:
- re-flashing the app - no change
- make flashinit to clean the flash and then re-flashing the app - no change
- try a brand new ESP8266 - no change in one case and success in another.
I have had odd issues of having to re-boot the esp numerous times but since I've mostly been using a serial speed of 460800baud, all I saw is unprintable characters filling the screen. I assume this is an intermittend issue, sometimes clearing itself with a few re-boots, or rather, I should say, in some cases, it happens in four out of five boots, in other cases, it happens in every boot in a resonable number of tries.
I have mostly suspected worn out flash cells, but this latest occurence is, as said, on a fresh out of the package ESP. I have many more and will try others, but if yo have any other explanation, I would be glad to hear that.
Oh, just for completenes: here's my hwconfig:
make hwconfig
esp_rgbww_firmware: Invoking 'hwconfig' for Esp8266 (debug) architecture
"name": "Two ROM slots with single SPIFFS",
"comment": "",
"arch": "Esp8266",
"options": [
"bootloader_size": "8K",
"partition_table_offset": "0x003fa000",
"devices": {
"spiFlash": {
"type": "flash",
"size": "4M",
"mode": "dio",
"speed": 40
"partitions": {
"rom0": {
"device": "spiFlash",
"address": "0x00002000",
"size": "992K",
"type": "app",
"subtype": "ota_0",
"readonly": false,
"encrypted": false,
"filename": "$(RBOOT_ROM_0_BIN)",
"unused_before": 0,
"unused_after": 0
"rom1": {
"device": "spiFlash",
"address": "0x00102000",
"size": "992K",
"type": "app",
"subtype": "ota_1",
"readonly": false,
"encrypted": false,
"filename": "$(RBOOT_ROM_0_BIN)",
"unused_before": 0,
"unused_after": 0
"spiffs0": {
"device": "spiFlash",
"address": "0x00200000",
"size": "512K",
"type": "data",
"subtype": "spiffs",
"readonly": false,
"encrypted": false,
"filename": "$(SPIFF_BIN_OUT)",
"build": {
"target": "spiffsgen",
"files": "$(SPIFF_FILES)"
"unused_before": 0,
"unused_after": 0
"rf_cal": {
"device": "spiFlash",
"address": "0x003fb000",
"size": "4K",
"type": "data",
"subtype": "rfcal",
"readonly": false,
"encrypted": false,
"filename": "",
"unused_before": 0,
"unused_after": 0
"phy_init": {
"device": "spiFlash",
"address": "0x003fc000",
"size": "4K",
"type": "data",
"subtype": "phy",
"readonly": false,
"encrypted": false,
"filename": "$(FLASH_INIT_DATA)",
"unused_before": 0,
"unused_after": 0
"sys_param": {
"device": "spiFlash",
"address": "0x003fd000",
"size": "12K",
"type": "data",
"subtype": "sysparam",
"readonly": false,
"encrypted": false,
"filename": "",
"unused_before": 0,
"unused_after": 0