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Safe Method Swizzling.

Results 12 RSSwizzle issues
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在ios14beta6中运行到下面代码崩溃 *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Selector _sendActionWithGestureRecognizer: not found in instance methods of class UIGestureRecognizerTarget.'

![image]( 你好,有关上图看看,如果两次地方同时对同一个方法 hook 的话,发现有一个问题,拿控制器的viewWillAppear方法来说,如果viewWillAppear是在类里没有重写的话,是正常的,但是如果viewWillAppear方法重写的话, originalIMP = class_replaceMethod(classToSwizzle, selector, newIMP, methodType);返回上次实现的代码库地址是不同的,也跟前一次 hook 的newIMP的地址是不同的,这是什么原因呢?谢谢 Hi, look at the above, if you're doing the same method hook in two places, there's a problem,...

When building with the iOS 10 SDK, OSSpinLock() triggers warnings in Xcode as it has been deprecated. This pull request switches to Apple's replacement, os_unfair_lock ( ) when the...

update version to 0.1.1 and make a new tag to 0.1.1, it will make install via cocoapods more conveniently. THX!!!

I was wondering if u could update the podspec file and make a new tag, which will make installing the RSSwizzle via cocoapods easier.