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melodic object transcription framework


Melodic Object TranscrIption Framework

Documentation Status GitHub license PyPI

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This library, inspired by Uri Nieto's msaf, contains implementations of different melody transcription algorithms, broken down into independent modular components. This makes it easy to compare algorithms and test different combinations of components.

Algorithms are broken into the following components:

Contour Extractors

Methods that take an audio file as input and output all contour candidates.

Feature Extractors

Feature extraction on contour observations.

Contour Classifiers

Methods that assign scores to contours.

Contour Decoders

Methods that take contour candidates and scores and produce single f0 outputs.


Documentation can be found here.

See Also

msaf: Music Structure Analysis Framework

A Comparison of Melody Extraction Methods Based on Source-Filter Modelling Bosch, J.J., Bittner, R.M., Salamon, J. and Gómez Gutiérrez, E. 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) conference