Raajkumar Subramaniam
Raajkumar Subramaniam
Thanks for brining this to our attention @LakshmanPalli.
Thanks for brining this to our attention @LakshmanPalli.
You mentioned that you are using a custom style. Does the issue occur without the custom style?
@OxygenCobalt Thanks for confirming. From what you describe this appears to issue in the AppCompat framework. We will look into this and post an update.
@OxygenCobalt Thanks for the detailed root cause analysis.
@OxygenCobalt Thanks for the detailed analysis of the issue. Since the issue is caused by AppCompat, I expect that the fix for this issue will be made available in an...
@manabu-nakamura Thanks for the PR. It will be helpful if you can provide a short explanation why the change is needed and also post before and after screenshots.
@manabu-nakamura Thanks for the PR and the screenshots with explanation. I will follow this up with the team and post an update here. Much appreciated!
Brilliant suggestion @aurthurm! I was able to use this to add async support using the following steps: * Create AsyncRecordMixin which can be mixed in to get _async versions of...
> > * Modify the smart_query to be able to get root class from select(cls) as you suggested. I don't like this change because I am changing the source code...