Now, the hard point is to find it from a distributor :)
In my mouser (EU) it is not available (511-STM32F103CBT6); on order without ETA.
Yes, I will try. Thank you.
@SDRplay In my opinion remaining the past is not a good idea because create confusion and generally break many already working software. Obviously, the file name is only an issue...
> @jketterl - Jakob, you may want to check out this fork of gr-osmosdr https://github.com/fventuri/gr-osmosdr , since it should support SDRplay API version 3.X ( @nmaster2042 reported success using it)....
> @ra1nb0w - Thanks for the useful suggestion. > I am not sure if anyone with a Mac has ever tested the fork of gr-osmosdr, so I think it would...
thank you @fventuri for all your effort and work!
You should remove the `/usr/local/` version installed manually with `pkg` to ensure API matching. I don't know if upstream has a removal procedure or a script but you can start...
Use `find` and then `rm` from terminal
on a fresh macOS 10.14 I did `sudo port install soapysdrplay3`; installed everything from pre-compiled packages (1 second); reboot and everything worked fine with RSP1A