Former copied to clipboard
compiler failure for xCode 10
` public subscript(range: CountableRange<Int>) -> [SectionFormer] { return Array<SectionFormer>(sectionFormers[range]) }
public subscript(range: CountableClosedRange<Int>) -> [SectionFormer] {
return Array<SectionFormer>(sectionFormers[range])
I clone this project, than compiler by xCode 10, errored for this two function: Invalid redeclaration of 'subscript'
how I resolve this? for help
in xCode 9.4.1, CountableRange<Bound> is seperate struct, but in xCode 10 this is a typealias of Range<Bound>
public typealias CountableRange<Bound> = Range<Bound>
please resolve this.
Can report same problem
Same here. If anyone can help how to fix. Thanks
same here.
+1 Same over here, please need to release important version to store :-(
hint: replace all occurrences of "UILayoutPriority(rawValue: 500)" with "UILayoutPriority.init(500)" and remove the 2 "Invalid redeclaration of 'subscript'" functions below the first. it compiles for me.