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Please, I don't seem to have it figured out but how do I use Arango's graph querying/traversal capabilities with this client and/or LINQ? An example would be great too.
@francnuec graph query by LINQ can be found here:
working with graphs:
traversal API:
Thank you. Seeing the examples folder really helped me a lot.
However, say I have this neo4j cypher command:
MATCH (n:Actor)-[r:ACTED_IN]->(n2:Movie { title: 'The Matrix' })
RETURN n, r, n2
How can I achieve same with this ArangoDB client especially using LINQ and its where clauses too to filter in a single DB call? The Traversal command here only seems to consider just a Vertex, and an Edge. I want to know how I can match a particular complete relationship (vertex-edge-vertex) with conditions on one of the vertices.
I'm assuming your knowledge of neo4j. I'm sorry if wrong.
Yes i agree, actually both sides of the edge have to be same type. It would be nice to define more like START-EDGE-END (I do not know how to deal with graphs which involves more different types)
But in the basic usage scenario this would be very helpfull
But i see, this is not easy, because there no any type information in the query result. :( All vertices are in the same collection