Roland Praml
Roland Praml
Current PdfBox version is 2.0.29 and graphics2d 0.43 I've compiled the current 1.10 release against these versions. While compilation works fine (no API changes ;) ), I have 3 failing...
Hello, we have developed together with the maintainer of [ebean]( a solution, that makes maintaining a jakarta release easy: Steps to release: 1. Release the javax version with maven release...
I'll close this issues
Statusupdate: We know, that sequences in a multi-tenant environment are problematic as the sequence may be stored in the wrong database. We do NOT use them. This PR is not...
This PR is probably obsolete
@AlexWagner we need to review this. I've adjusted/reverted the forceLeftJoin option, as this is the code we have in production since ~1 year
Statusupdate: This PR is quite old, and I want to summarize what is open: If you store an `Instant`, `LocalDate`, or `LocalTime` or `Timestamp`in the database, and read the result...
I know that sometimes it is incredibly difficult for me to explain a problem to someone else and I would have hoped that I could convey the problem better with...
> Q: With LocalDateTime, should ebean use the Calendar when binding preparedStatement and reading resultSet? Q2: Are there other options in the JDBC API (and if so, are they supported...
@sgrimm thanks, this workaround seems to work ``` @Bean public MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter octetStreamJsonConverter() { MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter converter = new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter(); converter.setSupportedMediaTypes(Arrays.asList(new MediaType("application", "octet-stream"))); return converter; } ```