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pkgcheck results - main

Open github-actions[bot] opened this issue 11 months ago • 2 comments

Checks for mapSpain (v0.8.0)

git hash: 3749feaf

  • :heavy_check_mark: Package is already on CRAN.
  • :heavy_check_mark: has a 'codemeta.json' file.
  • :heavy_check_mark: has a 'contributing' file.
  • :heavy_multiplication_x: The following function has no documented return value: [esp_get_comarca]
  • :heavy_check_mark: uses 'roxygen2'.
  • :heavy_check_mark: 'DESCRIPTION' has a URL field.
  • :heavy_check_mark: 'DESCRIPTION' has a BugReports field.
  • :heavy_check_mark: Package has at least one HTML vignette
  • :heavy_check_mark: All functions have examples.
  • :heavy_check_mark: Package has continuous integration checks.
  • :heavy_check_mark: Package coverage is 95.6%.
  • :heavy_check_mark: R CMD check found no errors.
  • :heavy_check_mark: R CMD check found no warnings.

Important: All failing checks above must be addressed prior to proceeding

Package License: GPL-3

1. Package Dependencies

Details of Package Dependency Usage (click to open)

The table below tallies all function calls to all packages ('ncalls'), both internal (r-base + recommended, along with the package itself), and external (imported and suggested packages). 'NA' values indicate packages to which no identified calls to R functions could be found. Note that these results are generated by an automated code-tagging system which may not be entirely accurate.

type package ncalls
internal base 313
internal mapSpain 79
internal stats 40
internal methods 2
internal tools 2
internal graphics 1
imports sf 73
imports utils 12
imports countrycode 3
imports rappdirs 3
imports giscoR NA
suggests terra 6
suggests leaflet 3
suggests slippymath 3
suggests png 1
suggests ggplot2 NA
suggests knitr NA
suggests rmarkdown NA
suggests testthat NA
suggests tidyterra NA
linking_to NA NA

Click below for tallies of functions used in each package. Locations of each call within this package may be generated locally by running 's <- pkgstats::pkgstats(<path/to/repo>)', and examining the 'external_calls' table.


c (46), grep (32), unique (23), list (21), paste0 (20), names (17), as.character (13), try (11), file.path (10), vapply (7), nchar (6), unlist (6), url (6), colnames (5), file.exists (5), isFALSE (5), length (5), merge (4), split (4), strsplit (4), which (4), as.double (3), as.numeric (3), (3), options (3), seq_len (3), switch (3), data.frame (2), file.size (2), gsub (2), lapply (2), max (2), return (2), seq (2), sort (2), suppressWarnings (2), Sys.Date (2), tolower (2), apply (1), attr (1), character (1), for (1), getOption (1), grepl (1), min (1), nrow (1), paste (1), rbind (1), readLines (1), readRDS (1), seq_along (1), Sys.getenv (1), tempfile (1), tryCatch (1), unname (1), vector (1), warning (1)


esp_hlp_get_siane (10), esp_dict_region_code (6), esp_codelist (5), esp_get_nuts (5), esp_hlp_all2prov (5), esp_hlp_dwnload_sianedata (5), esp_hlp_all2ccaa (4), esp_get_ccaa (3), esp_hlp_download_siane (3), compose_tile_grid (2), esp_clear_cache (2), esp_codelist$cpro (2), esp_hlp_all2nuts (2), esp_hlp_detect_cache_dir (2), esp_nuts.sf (2), addProviderEspTiles (1), dl_t (1), esp_check_access (1), esp_dict_translate (1), esp_get_can_box (1), esp_get_can_provinces (1), esp_get_capimun (1), esp_get_ccaa_siane (1), esp_get_comarca (1), esp_get_country (1), esp_get_grid_BDN (1), esp_get_grid_BDN_ccaa (1), esp_get_grid_ccaa (1), esp_get_grid_EEA (1), esp_get_grid_ESDAC (1), esp_get_grid_MTN (1), esp_get_grid_prov (1), esp_getTiles (1), esp_hlp_get_bbox (1), esp_set_cache_dir (1), getwms (1)


st_crs (14), st_point (14), st_drop_geometry (9), st_geometry (9), st_sfc (9), st_bbox (5), st_transform (4), st_as_sfc (2), st_intersects (2), st_union (2), st_as_sf (1), st_coordinates (1), st_linestring (1)


df (20), offset (17), end (3)


modifyList (10), data (2)


rast (2), subset (2), project (1), vect (1)


countrycode (3)


providerTileOptions (1), tileOptions (1), WMSTileOptions (1)


user_config_dir (3)


bbox_tile_query (1), bbox_to_tile_grid (1), tile_bbox (1)


new (2)


file_ext (1), md5sum (1)


grid (1)


readPNG (1)

NOTE: Some imported packages appear to have no associated function calls; please ensure with author that these 'Imports' are listed appropriately.

2. Statistical Properties

This package features some noteworthy statistical properties which may need to be clarified by a handling editor prior to progressing.

Details of statistical properties (click to open)

The package has:

  • code in R (100% in 33 files) and
  • 1 authors
  • 5 vignettes
  • 6 internal data files
  • 5 imported packages
  • 39 exported functions (median 34 lines of code)
  • 74 non-exported functions in R (median 52 lines of code)

Statistical properties of package structure as distributional percentiles in relation to all current CRAN packages The following terminology is used:

  • loc = "Lines of Code"
  • fn = "function"
  • exp/not_exp = exported / not exported

All parameters are explained as tooltips in the locally-rendered HTML version of this report generated by the checks_to_markdown() function

The final measure (fn_call_network_size) is the total number of calls between functions (in R), or more abstract relationships between code objects in other languages. Values are flagged as "noteworthy" when they lie in the upper or lower 5th percentile.

measure value percentile noteworthy
files_R 33 90.9
files_vignettes 5 96.9
files_tests 26 97.4
loc_R 3209 91.3
loc_vignettes 828 88.0
loc_tests 928 85.9
num_vignettes 5 97.9 TRUE
data_size_total 1722805 97.2 TRUE
data_size_median 50376 88.2
n_fns_r 113 79.3
n_fns_r_exported 39 83.5
n_fns_r_not_exported 74 77.4
n_fns_per_file_r 2 32.7
num_params_per_fn 4 54.6
loc_per_fn_r 46 88.1
loc_per_fn_r_exp 34 67.5
loc_per_fn_r_not_exp 52 91.2
rel_whitespace_R 27 94.8
rel_whitespace_vignettes 34 91.0
rel_whitespace_tests 33 90.5
doclines_per_fn_exp 82 85.3
doclines_per_fn_not_exp 0 0.0 TRUE
fn_call_network_size 75 74.3

2a. Network visualisation

An interactive visualisation of calls between objects in the package has been uploaded as a workflow artefact. To view it, click on results from the latest 'pkgcheck' action, scroll to the bottom, and click on the 'visual-network' artefact.

3. goodpractice and other checks

Details of goodpractice checks (click to open)

3a. Continuous Integration Badges


GitHub Workflow Results

id name conclusion sha run_number date
5713025680 Clean pkgdown manually success 7b1385 36 2023-07-31
5737497480 CRAN Status Monitor success 7b1385 92 2023-08-02
5541603319 lint success 7b1385 341 2023-07-13
5759427187 lintr success 3749fe 342 2023-08-04
5759535932 pages build and deployment success e4332b 124 2023-08-04
5759441659 pkgcheck NA 3749fe 1 2023-08-04
5759427202 R-CMD-check success 3749fe 790 2023-08-04
5759427192 rostemplate-gh-pages success 3749fe 307 2023-08-04
5759427191 test-coverage success 3749fe 480 2023-08-04

3b. goodpractice results

R CMD check with rcmdcheck

R CMD check generated the following note:

  1. checking data for non-ASCII characters ... NOTE Note: found 13138 marked UTF-8 strings

R CMD check generated the following check_fail:

  1. rcmdcheck_non_ascii_characters_in_data

Test coverage with covr

Package coverage: 95.61

Cyclocomplexity with cyclocomp

The following functions have cyclocomplexity >= 15:

function cyclocomplexity
esp_getTiles 40
esp_hlp_download_siane 29
esp_hlp_dwnload_sianedata 25
esp_get_grid_EEA 22
esp_get_grid_ESDAC 22
esp_get_grid_MTN 21
esp_get_munic 19
esp_get_nuts 19
esp_dict_region_code 18
esp_hlp_detect_cache_dir 16
esp_set_cache_dir 15

Static code analyses with lintr

lintr found the following 24 potential issues:

message number of times
Avoid library() and require() calls in packages 20
Lines should not be more than 80 characters. 4

Package Versions

package version

github-actions[bot] avatar Aug 04 '23 07:08 github-actions[bot]