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Is there an optimized version of SPTK for android platform?
No. However, SPTK is writter in C and I think it should work on android.
You're right, it can well work on android. However, its speed is about 10 times slower than on PC, especially the post filter part when synthesizing audio. The speed of world on android is also very slow. This now confuses me.
@attitudechunfeng Have you get a clue about how to use or optimized the SPTK or world on android?
@songmeixu in fact, both SPTK and world can run on android for they're both written in c/c++. But the speed is somehow slower than PC. In my test, the main bottleneck of speed is world and model part. For world part, you can use multi threads. And for model part, you need a fast forward framework.