Half-Life-Alyx-novr copied to clipboard
TrackedProp_BufferTooSmall and other bug on some random unity games.
Hello, I wanted to test the driver on other games than half life alyx and I encountered errors for example with the game "Project Terminus VR" which crashed randomly. I used bepinex to see the unity logs and I got this in the logs :
[Error : Unity Log] DllNotFoundException: OculusXRPlugin
Stack trace:
Unity.XR.Oculus.NativeMethods.LoadOVRPlugin (System.String ovrpPath) (at <d005c6404bce467595a1b3fc5036231c>:0)
Unity.XR.Oculus.OculusLoader.RuntimeLoadOVRPlugin () (at <d005c6404bce467595a1b3fc5036231c>:0)
[Info : Unity Log] trying to load the inputsystem : SteamVR
[Info : Unity Log] <b>[SteamVR]</b> Initialized. Connected to hlalyx : TrackedProp_BufferTooSmall : 1001 :: hlalyx_hmd
[Info : Unity Log] press thumb
[Info : Unity Log] press trigger
the hands seem to work fine but the HMD doesn't.