SnapATAC copied to clipboard
Bug in runJaccard()
Thank you for developing a nice package. I want to try out SnapATAC. I installed the code from Github and I tried to run the demo but it has an error. Do you have any idea why?
> data(demo.sp);
> demo.sp = makeBinary(demo.sp, mat="bmat");
> demo.sp = runJaccard(obj=demo.sp, mat="bmat", bin.downsample=1, tmp.folder=tempdir())
Error in (function (cl, name, valueClass) :
'method' is not a slot in class "jaccard"
Thank you very much.
I have the same problem. You were able to fix it?
I also encountered this problem--I think after viewing the source code that it's because the jmat class doesn't actually have methods as a slot? I believe the developer posted that runJaccard has actually been discontinued, so I am confused as to how to normalize the data now. For reference: