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Running Error With Integrative Analysis of 10X and snATAC
Error in runHarmony.default(obj = x.sp, eigs.dims = 1:22, meta_data = x.sp@sample): eigs.dim is missing Traceback:
- runHarmony(obj = x.sp, eigs.dims = 1:22, meta_data = x.sp@sample)
- runHarmony.default(obj = x.sp, eigs.dims = 1:22, meta_data = x.sp@sample)
- stop("eigs.dim is missing")
yes, I also got the same error but has no idea what's going on.
yes, I also got the same error but has no idea what's going on. Hi, did you solve this error?
You should call runHarmony with eigs.dim instead of eigs.dims. The example provides the following code:
> library(harmony);
> x.after.sp = runHarmony(
meta_data=x.sp@sample # sample index
but this should be:
> library(harmony);
> x.after.sp = runHarmony(
meta_data=x.sp@sample # sample index