vmp_analyzer copied to clipboard
NOTE: Work in progress, many features are missing. This is the very first release. This is a educational project. Don't use it for any malicous purposes, I am not taking any resplonsibility for your actions
- cargo run --release path_to_exe.exe begin_addr until_addr
- cargo run --release protected.exe 0x1400118d9 0x1400118F1
How it works
It starts emulation from begin_addr, and stops when reaches the until_addr (not actually, there is a bug). While doing that, it also traces the executed instructions and filters them to give you a nice view of important parts of executed code. I'd say it's a good start for people only getting hands on vmprotect for the first time and trying to understand it's internals.
Later, I will release a good documentation which will explain how both vmprotect and this project works. Currently it's capable of running somewhat properly functions which are doing things like addition/multiplications/substractions/etc, but no branching. But still can handle (hopefully) calls to other functions from protected functions.
Up/Down - next/previous vm instruction
Left/Right - next/previous vm
S/s - save current vm trace to file (will be called vm_(number).asm)
Esc/Q/q - exit program
Known bugs/limitations (WIP):
- Tested only with VMProtect 3.5 (and a bit 3.6)
- Not supporting switching VSP and VIP
- Branching (conditional jumps)
- Any sorts of anti-debug/anti-vm checks
- Heaven's gate technique
- 32 bit binaries
- No high-level optimizations and poor vm handler level optimizations as well
- Lots of features are missing
- etc