FYI this error pops up even without any SqlClient specific code - just adding a reference to the package and ```dotnet build``` produces the error.
Yes that works for some reason. Is there a different version bundled with .net core or what is going on here?
I stumbled on this today and it took me quite a while to figure out what was going on.
I figured out a bunch of stuff. I can now dump yack-files to text. Look here https://github.com/jonsth131/ggtool/blob/main/libdinky/src/yack.rs I'm pretty confident with these opcode definitions: enum YackOpcode { End = 0,...
N.B. I76 deals with this by drawing just a small amount of road at any time. The road is also always drawn on top of the terrain. This causes some...
@JJJohan GEO-tags are probably references to .GEO-files (geometry) or actual geometry data. It might be worth comparing the data of a .GEO-file with the data in those GEO-blocks to see...
A new vehicle model is in progress, based on the old Marco Monster article (http://www.asawicki.info/Mirror/Car%20Physics%20for%20Games/Car%20Physics%20for%20Games.html). It feels much better than the other models I tried. Still some tweaking and oversteer...