Richard Kuhnt

Results 56 comments of Richard Kuhnt

Another possible solution: Reducing MinGit to just `git.exe` , `git-remote-https.exe`, `*.dll`, license, ca-certs, and hook templates. Results in a ~8 MB ZIP or ~16 MB on disk. ![image](

What you see above is without mingw, but the DLLs are required to run `git.exe`. I just copied the DLLs over bit by bit until `git.exe` started working (in Windows...

You should use: `"php_bin":"D:\xampp\php\php.exe"`

Mine looks like this: `"php_bin": "D:/wamp64/bin/php/php7.0.0/php.exe",`

```json "machine": { "Build": "10.0.22621.0", "Arch": "64bit", "Desktop": "5.1.22621.1", "Core": "", "Scoop": "d86b7c72e281375e8209f8f23fdedfee790cd9a6 (5249--analytics)" }, ``` Commit hash could be used to link the data to a Github user via...

It seems that `$host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor` returns `null` with this setup. Could you try this modified `Write-InstallInfo` function? ```pwsh function Write-InstallInfo { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, Position = 0)] [String] $String,...