scripts copied to clipboard
TBD template
Set up font & sample pages
- [x] Download fonts as needed
- [x] Add system fonts to /shared/fontdb/db.js
- [x] Make webfont(s) and add to /shared/webfonts/
- [x] Find a phrase to be used for sample
- [x] Use /scripts/fontlist/getImage to generate images for all fonts, and add to /scripts/fontlist/img/XXXX/
- [x] Add language entry to /shared/phrasedb/db and /shared/phrasedb/samplescripts
- [x] Add links to /scripts/fontlist/index & /scripts/samples/index
Create spreadsheet
- [x] Take a copy of the template
- [x] Use UniView to generate lists of characters and add them
- [x] Create a list of characters with ipa & transcription column data. hint: vowel-signs before independent vowels helps for input later
- [x] Add names & status
- [x] Add key column data (conform to most common transcription) & panel column (non-ASCII characters in cols to left). hint: get the order right for presentation in the panel
- [x] Add combinations (translit col should be literal)
- [ ] Add equivs for
- [ ] any char that decomposes in NFD (including sequences that include decompositions)
- [ ] any char that could be represented by a sequence
- [ ] Add to class col: - d c n f o x s (see Notes:instructions/Google Spreadsheet Guidelines)
- [x] Add unicode names using _tools/_list_codes_and_names
- [x] Order items to facilitate best order for display of items on keypress
- [x] Create a copy of the spreadsheet in /shared/scriptdb/XXXX.js
- [x] Add terms to XX-vocab.js
- [x] increment vocab list from wiktionary IPA
- [ ] language page
- [ ] Use _tools/swadesh_to_vocab to create a Swadesh start list
- links: Swadesh lists; Dravidian list; Austroasiatic list
- [ ] Use app-findword
- [ ] Try Googe Translate
Create initial character notes
- [x] Use _tools/generate_details_page_stubs to generate initial content for the XX-details file
- [x] Use _tools/generate_block_page_stubs to generate content for the block.html file
- [x] Add a calling block to bottom of file
Create initial character app
- [x] Use a template
- [x] Edit defaults.js
- [x] Arrange characters in phonetic order
- [ ] Optional approach:
- [ ] Use UniView to make a list of characters for the picker
- [ ] Use _tools/_make-characters-for-input to generate spans
- [ ] Add result to #temp div
- [ ] Move #temp markup to appropriate positions
- [ ] Make shape list
- [ ] Use the picker to create a list of similar glyphs on each line, separated by spaces
- [ ] Copy the simplest shape to the start of the list
- [ ] Copy chars on each line after /
- [ ] Create the code using _tools/_make-shape-list
- [ ] Copy to main source inside
- [ ] Make the hint list
- [ ] Take the list created for the shape list, except for …
- [ ] Create the code using _tools/hint-maker
- [ ] Copy to localcode.js as the _h array
Summary description
- [x] Set web fonts, sizes, and langtags in thisLanguage.css and rename
- [x] Make intro links work for offline use
- [x] Add a sample
- [x] Create phonological charts
- [x] Add alphabet section
- [x] Work through details file, adding information to each character
- [x] Using the information gathered in the details:
- [ ] Create initial vowel and consonant map sections
- [ ] Update the phonology section
- [ ] Update the spreadsheet
- [x] Check and update the translit, transc, class & status cols of the spreadsheet
- [x] Create yellow panels for vowel and consonant sections
- [x] Use main source(s) to describe character info & punctuation (capture in notes page at same time)
- [x] Create the character index using the script at the bottom of the page
- [x] Fill in the Character Lists and Character Properties tables
- [x] Write the history section
- [x] Add the language to the Character Use app
- [ ] If a new script, add to
- [ ] If a new script, add to
- [x] Write the summary section
- [ ] Remove the (draft) from the title
- [ ] Remove the section Languages Using the XXX Script
- [ ] Add lang tag to
in featurelist/table.js - [ ] Add links to:
- [ ] scripts/index
- [ ] pickers/pickerlistdb.js
- [ ] In linkdata/linkdb.js
- [ ] Add to
- [ ] Add to
(if new script) - [ ] And to
(if new script)
- [ ] Add to
- [ ] Make the hint list
Spreadsheet layout: