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How to work around React errors (calling direct / unique key)
I'm building a select field, using Sablono I get React errors. I'm struggling to see how to avoid them short of completely switching to using pure om controls.
This is my problem code:
(defn Select [props owner]
(let [{:keys [label value on-change help placeholder disabled
options default-option default-value]} props
default-value (or default-value "")
default-option (or default-option "Please select")]
(html [:div.form-group
(if label [:label label])
[:select.form-control {:value (or value default-value)
:placeholder placeholder
:disabled disabled
:on-change on-change}
(if (and options)
[:option {:key default-value :value default-value :disabled true} default-option])
(om/build-all Option options)]
(if help [ help])]))))
I get three react warnings:
- Warning: Something is calling a React component directly. Use a factory or JSX instead. See:
- Each child in an array should have a unique "key" prop. Check the renderComponent call using
. See for more information. - Warning: transferPropsTo is deprecated. See for more information.
And this is what I ended up with to avoid the problem, note use of (apply dom/select...).
(defn Select [props owner]
(let [{:keys [label value on-change help placeholder disabled
options default-option default-value]} props
default-value (or default-value "")
default-option (or default-option "Please select")]
(html [:div.form-group
(if label [:label label])
(apply dom/select #js {:className "form-control"
:value (or value default-value)
:placeholder placeholder
:disabled disabled
:onChange on-change}
(if options
(dom/option #js {:value default-value :disabled true} default-option))
(om/build-all Option options))
(if help [ help])]))))
My feeling is that I'm missing some standard sablono tricks for handling the case of many children in a vector.
Quick follow up, this approach got me a bit closer. I use (vec (concat ...)) to package up the options.
(defn Option [props owner]
(let [[value display] props]
(dom/option #js {:value value} display))))
(defn Select [props owner]
(let [{:keys [label value on-change help placeholder disabled
options default-option default-value]} props
default-value (or default-value "")
default-option (or default-option "Please select")]
(html [:div.form-group
(if label [:label label])
(vec (concat
[:select.form-control {:value (or value default-value)
:placeholder placeholder
:disabled disabled
:on-change on-change}
(if options
(dom/option #js {:value default-value :disabled true} default-option))]
(om/build-all Option options)))
(if help [ help])]))))
Note: I still have to use (dom/option...) to avoid two of the errors:
- Warning: Something is calling a React component directly. Use a factory or JSX instead. See:
- Warning: transferPropsTo is deprecated. See for more information.
Oliver George [email protected] writes:
Quick follow up, this approach got me a bit closer. I use (vec (concat ...)) to package up the options.
(defn Option [props owner] (om/component (let [[value display] props] (dom/option #js {:value value} display)))) (defn Select [props owner] (om/component (let [{:keys [label value on-change help placeholder disabled options default-option default-value]} props default-value (or default-value "") default-option (or default-option "Please select")] (html [:div.form-group (if label [:label label]) (vec (concat [:select.form-control {:value (or value default-value) :placeholder placeholder :disabled disabled :on-change on-change} (if options (dom/option #js {:value default-value :disabled true} default-option))] (om/build-all Option options))) (if help [ help])]))))
Note: I still have to use (dom/option...) to avoid two of the errors:
- Warning: Something is calling a React component directly. Use a factory or JSX instead. See:
- Warning: transferPropsTo is deprecated. See for more information.
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Those are caused by implementation details of Sablono/Om. They will likely disappear in future releases of those.
Your 'fixed' error messages is caused by the 'list' of members in the div.form-group: React needs key-attributes so it doesn't have to redraw the whole list in case the order changes. With `om/build', this is done with :key or :react-key. Inside components, Om seems to support (or leak?) :key with a value.
While this is a bit unintuitive given the naming of options to `om/build', it can be used to work around your warning: Just give every child-node of div.form-group an unique key like:
[:label {:key "label"}] [:select.form-control {:key "my-select"}]
I'm not sure if this is intended in Om: I suspect it would be better to factor out those elements as their own components and call `om/build' on them.
Thanks, I'll give that a go.
Might be worth having a wiki page noting common causes/resolutions associated with react warnings.
On 22 January 2015 at 20:19, Moritz Ulrich [email protected] wrote:
Oliver George [email protected] writes:
Quick follow up, this approach got me a bit closer. I use (vec (concat ...)) to package up the options.
(defn Option [props owner] (om/component (let [[value display] props] (dom/option #js {:value value} display)))) (defn Select [props owner] (om/component (let [{:keys [label value on-change help placeholder disabled options default-option default-value]} props default-value (or default-value "") default-option (or default-option "Please select")] (html [:div.form-group (if label [:label label]) (vec (concat [:select.form-control {:value (or value default-value) :placeholder placeholder :disabled disabled :on-change on-change} (if options (dom/option #js {:value default-value :disabled true} default-option))] (om/build-all Option options))) (if help [ help])]))))
Note: I still have to use (dom/option...) to avoid two of the errors:
- Warning: Something is calling a React component directly. Use a factory or JSX instead. See:
- Warning: transferPropsTo is deprecated. See for more information.
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Those are caused by implementation details of Sablono/Om. They will likely disappear in future releases of those.
Your 'fixed' error messages is caused by the 'list' of members in the div.form-group: React needs key-attributes so it doesn't have to redraw the whole list in case the order changes. With `om/build', this is done with :key or :react-key. Inside components, Om seems to support (or leak?) :key with a value.
While this is a bit unintuitive given the naming of options to `om/build', it can be used to work around your warning: Just give every child-node of div.form-group an unique key like:
[:label {:key "label"}] [:select.form-control {:key "my-select"}]
I'm not sure if this is intended in Om: I suspect it would be better to factor out those elements as their own components and call `om/build' on them.
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