sablono copied to clipboard
Input not controlled when value and on-change specified.
Hi, when I create a component like this
(html [:div [:input {:type "text"
:value "hello world"
:on-change (fn [e] (println e))}]])
The input becomes an uncontrolled component, while I would expect it to be a controlled one. When I create it manually:
js/React "div" nil
(.createElement js/React "input"
#js {:type "text"
:value "hello world too"
:onChange (fn [e] (println e))}))
It is controlled.
What am I doing wrong?
@FreekPaans Nothing, I think you found a bug in sablono. :)
That could also be it :) Do you need help fixing it?
I guess the problem is in wrap-form-element
over here:
I don't have time to look into this at the moment, so if you want to look into this, go for it!
Ok, I'm looking into it but having troubles running the tests:
lein doo node nodejs once
;; ======================================================================
;; Testing with Node:
throw err;
Error: Cannot find module 'react'
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:469:15)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:417:25)
at Module.require (module.js:497:17)
at require (internal/module.js:20:19)
at /home/freek/code/sablono/target/nodejs/out/
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/freek/code/sablono/target/nodejs/out/
at Module._compile (module.js:570:32)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:579:10)
at Module.load (module.js:487:32)
at tryModuleLoad (module.js:446:12)
Subprocess failed
Maybe you can give me a quick pointer?
@FreekPaans Looks like the node dependencies are not installed. Run lein deps
once before running the tests. Not sure why lein doo
doesn't fetch them. I would have expected that.
lein deps
[email protected] /home/roman/workspace/sablono
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@r0man that did the trick!
@r0man so I looked into it a little bit, but I'm not sure what's going on in wrap-form-element
with :componentWillReceiveProps
and :onChange
. It seems :onChange
hard codes :value
to the event value. Also (don't know if this is related) :onChange
is only set as the onChange
handler after the first :componentWillReceiveProps
. Don't know what the idea is here.
Will look more into it later.
@FreekPaans Yes, this is a bit tricky. I think having an on-change
handler that is not updating the value of the component, and the way we work around an IE bug are in conflict here. I think most people use a controlled input and update the input value via the onChange listener.
See also for the issue with IE and
To make it even more tricky, the whole wrap-form-element
was introduced to work around some issue with the cursor position in input elements. That was so long ago, I hardly remember the details anymore.This code really needs an investigation what is still needed. I just didn't had the time to do so :)
@FreekPaans The IE bug should be fixed in the next version of React. Then we can remove the workaround code and this should behave as expected. There's also a similar workaround near the end of the comments: Not sure if this complexity is worth implementing, though.
Looked into it a bit more, but don't really know how to move forward. The design around wrap-form-element
seems pretty deliberate, but I can't really wrap my head around it :) It's not that big of a problem for me at this moment, so maybe wait for the next react version and revisit this code?
Any advance on this ?
@DjebbZ No, not yet. I haven't investigated if the IE fix is already in the latest version of React, or if this will ship with version 16.
I was trying to track down why my refs weren't working and came across this issue. I want to share what I've learned in case it helps anybody, but take my analysis with a grain of salt because I could be totally wrong.
The wrap-form-element was initially introduced in the following commit to om with the commit message "form element wrapper so we can get the correct behavior even in the presence of requestAnimationFrame":
It was imported into Sablono here as a fix for a bug where the cursor moves to the end of the input on each update:
The basic gist of the problem can be seen by reading this monster thread from react:
I think this is the problem: the state of a controlled input must be updated when a user hits a key and only then. Otherwise, the component will rerender and move the cursor around and if you type fast enough you'll drop characters since the subsequent events will not reflect the previous update. I think Om batches updates with requestAnimationFrame or some other mechanism. So I think the whole point here is to bypass that mechanism with real javascript event handler. (For the record, I don't understand the cursor-resetting issue, unless the entire dom node were being replaced, though the letter-dropping issue makes sense to me.) Later on, someone added a fix for an IE11 bug related to the on-change handler.
If I'm right, I wonder if this wrapper is needed in for libraries that don't do whatever om is doing. (Like rum, for example.)
This smells related:
I'm having trouble with advanced compilation and have tracked it down to this code:
;; this gives an error about some minified variable being undefined
(html [:input {:type "text"
:value ""}])
#_ ;; this works fine
#js {:type "text"
:value ""})
(.getElementById js/document "app"))
@gfredericks I can't reproduce this. Your example works for me. Do you have the proper externs for React in place?
No, I'm using :infer-externs true
@gfredericks Then this might be the problem? sablono itself doesn't have any annotations that could be picked up by :infer-externs
. Did you try :pseudo-names true
to find out which variable/fn is undefined?
I didn't realize I needed to provide the externs; I'll look into that.
I also didn't know about :pseudo-names true
, so thanks for pointing that out. In this case it doesn't seem too helpful, as it only refers to $fn$$
Adding the externs file seems to fix it. Thanks again!
My current workaround is to re-render the component when componentDidMount
. In rum (what I use) it's like this :
{:did-mount (fn [state]
(let [comp (:rum/react-component state)]
(rum/request-render comp)
Hi @r0man, could I help in any way to get this fixed?
@pedrorgirardi Yes, if you have a good idea how to fix this, and can test this in multiple browsers I would love to get help on this. I don't have time to look into this myself at the moment.
Ah, nice! Let me try then. :)
Hi @r0man , may I ask why we need the wrappers? The React issue was fixed awhile ago so I tried to not use wrappers at all.
I created this which uses my fork of Sablono without wrappers.
Maybe the wrappers are no longer needed since the React issue was fixed? What am I missing? 😃
@pedrorgirardi If I remember correctly this was needed for libraries like om that render on requestAnimationFrame. I'm afraid I don't remember all the details. Do you have a link to the React issue that was fixed?
What you reckon?
This seems like an unrelated bug. This thing inside sablono is definitely support for requestAnimationFrame-based rendering.
@piranha it's a bit confusing because it seems there are two "issues": 1) wrap controlled input component to support requestAnimationFrame-based rendering as you said; 2) workaround an IE specific issue which seems to have been fixed here .
@pedrorgirardi As @piranha mentioned I think we should keep the wrapped inputs to support libs that use RAF for rendering. I'm afraid I don't have time to look into this myself.
Thanks, @r0man and @piranha for the clarification.
I noticed Reagent wraps inputs so I want to have a look at how it's done and hopefully learn something which could potentially be used here.