Got same error both tried variants did not work. var1: - setting: AUTH_LDAP_GROUP_TYPE value: >- '"ActiveDirectoryGroupType"' var2: - setting: AUTH_LDAP_GROUP_TYPE value: >- "ActiveDirectoryGroupType"
@shanemcd also your proposed setting results in: ``` AUTH_LDAP_GROUP_TYPE = ActiveDirectoryGroupType() NameError: name 'ActiveDirectoryGroupType' is not defined ```
https://bintray.com/ can be a option for you as well for distributing and populating your deb. package
@rooso thanks for the hint :) setting the secret works but setting the group type to **ActiveDirectoryGroupType** which should work according to docs resulted in "**MemberDNGroupType**" here are the settings...
Hi @rooso , thanks, i tried it also with the following: ``` - setting: AUTH_LDAP_GROUP_TYPE value: "ActiveDirectoryGroupType(name_attr='cn')" ``` also following the docs: https://django-auth-ldap.readthedocs.io/en/stable/reference.html#django_auth_ldap.config.ActiveDirectoryGroupType but also that did not work as...
Hi, is there any update what alternatives are also there?
in https://github.com/ansible/awx/pull/12832 there was also anonymous scraping introduced maybe this is also something worth to try.
@mateuszdrab i noticed the same, starting helm-chart 1.4.0 you can use the extra_settings to configure the variable. i did this with this helm chart and it worked.
@mateuszdrab sorry for the late reply. the container image which is used there is: quay.io/ansible/awx:21.14.0 and as you said with this param you can enable the anonymous mode. and of...
how can i apply the annotations for the scraping only for the awx-web pod? ``` service_annotations: | prometheus.io/scrape: "true" prometheus.io/path: "/api/v2/metrics/" prometheus.io/port: "80" ``` this won't work since it would...