Andrej Rolih
Andrej Rolih
Ok. I will try it with my V2 switch as well when I come home to see if it behaves any differently. And I'll try connecting a debugger to it...
Yeah that is what I would expect to happen when writing 255. Though I would also check if 0 gets written correctly. So writing 0 to an 8bit field should...
Hmmm shouldn't you be checking the binary string for: `assertEquals("00000000", Integer.toBinaryString(Byte.toUnsignedInt(raw[0])));` Not: `assertEquals("0", Integer.toBinaryString(Byte.toUnsignedInt(raw[0])));` Not entirely 100% on that. I am not that familiar with Java. But it seems that...
You are right. And you are checking for 0 anyways. Weird.
I will check when I get home (in about 8 hours). Don't have access to the device right now. But I did enable debug logging already. And I don't remember...
Hmmm. Ok. So no log entries that would look similar. Actually I see this in the logs: `2018-11-13 17:25:11.330 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - bluetooth_ble_001EC02132BA_6A741280_9ED90C00_switchstate changed from 255 to 0` And I've tried...
Yeah. That is exactly what I mean. Basically it's what one would expect. On the other hand there obviously is something wrong since the V1 is working just fine with...