webr copied to clipboard
progress bars from purrr doesn't render
This is a simple example that doesn't show an expected progress bar:
walk(1:10, ~Sys.sleep(0.5), .progress = TRUE)
Thanks for reporting this! It looks like any kind of cli
progress bars are not working in the webR demo application, not just from purrr
FWIW, similarly, it looks like output to stdout/stderr cannot be refreshed/flushed while running, e.g.
for (kk in 0:99) { cat(sprintf("%3d\r", kk)); Sys.sleep(0.1); flush(stdout()) }; cat("\n")
Same for
for (kk in 0:99) { cat(sprintf("\r%3d", kk)); Sys.sleep(0.1); flush(stdout()) }; cat("\n")