tmaptools copied to clipboard
read_osm documentation reports wrong return class
Code returns a stars
> osm_NLD <- read_osm(NLD_muni, ext=1.1)
old-style crs object detected; please recreate object with a recent sf::st_crs()
old-style crs object detected; please recreate object with a recent sf::st_crs()
> class(osm_NLD)
[1] "stars"
But doc says raster
The output of ‘read_osm’ is a ‘raster’ object.
There's also a few references to passing raster=FALSE
and "a RasterStack is returned" - I think the docs need a refresh!
> packageDescription("tmaptools")
Package: tmaptools
Type: Package
Title: Thematic Map Tools
Version: 3.1-1