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Spherical Geometry Operators Using the S2 Geometry Library
I was hoping that this polygon:  would be made valid by: ```r library(s2) x = s2_geog_from_text("POLYGON ((0 0, 3 0, 3 2, 1 1, 2 1, 0 2, 0...
Whatever it's getting imported as now is not correct! ``` r s2::s2_area("POLYGON ((-180 -90, 180 -90, 180 90, -180 90, -180 -90))") #> [1] 0.009941626 ``` Created on 2022-08-15 by...
Right now `s2_rebuild()` treats all inputs as separate, which can result in problems when simplifying layers like polygon coverages and contour lines where creating new crossing edges would invalidate the...
See https://github.com/r-spatial/sf/issues/1810 ; reprex through sf: ```r library(sf) library(giscoR) library(dplyr) lander % mutate(value = runif(n(), min = 100, max = 500)) # some data to interpolate ... grid % st_as_sf()...
The strategy of accumulating a union is correct but slow! I assume there is a faster way to go about this that I haven't found in the documentation yet. ```...
It turns out that getting CMake to do the right thing is hard (#249)! I think we still need it for Abseil, and unfortunately updating S2 requries an Abseil update...
I am trying to work around the lack of serialization support (#259) by converting s2 geography data into other formats (such as using simple features or wkb), but the data...
I am unable to work with serialized s2 data since it crashes R for me (tested on Apple Silicon, R version 4.4.1). Note: s2_points work correctly. **Reprex:** ```{r} p ATTRIB:...
I'm (finally) implementing support for `POLYGON FULL` in `sf`, and ran into `s2_rebuild` converting an s2 full polygon to a `GEOMETRYCOLLECTION EMPTY`. I don't think it should! I'll work around...
Hello, I am trying to compile on Openbsd 7.5 arm64 and am not able to. I cannot find the specific error to try and fix it. I received 5 warnings,...