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Misalignment problem when curvilinear raster grid are ploted as regular ones
I came across an unexpected behavior of mapview (?) :
I create a vector grid with sf:st_make_grid
then I transform it into a terra raster object. When I plot both with mapview they are misaligned.
After my question on stackoverflow, Robert Hijman suggested that it was a problem with the Mercator projection used in mapview that should produce a curvilinear grid but is represented with a regular grid (NB: I paraphrase with my own words and understanding)
Here is a reproducible example :
my_cellsize <- 50000
# Load the 'nc' shapefile from the sf package
nc <- st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf")) |>
st_transform(crs = 32617) # projection in meters
# Create a grid within the extent of the 'nc' dataset
my_grid <- st_make_grid(nc, cellsize = my_cellsize)
my_grid <- st_sf(GridID = 1:length(my_grid), my_grid)
my_grid <- my_grid[nc,]
# add some random values
my_grid$value1 <- rnorm(nrow(my_grid))
# convert the vector grid into a raster stack
template = rast(vect(my_grid), res = my_cellsize)
value1_raster <- rasterize(vect(my_grid), template, field = "value1")
Various calls to mapview showing the misalignment
# With a simple call to mapview the vector grid and the raster grid are not aligned
mapview(st_as_stars(value1_raster) ) + mapview(my_grid)
# Transforming to the Mercator projection used by mapview does not help
# But the misalignment is different
mapview(st_as_stars(value1_raster) |> st_transform(crs = "+proj=webmerc +datum=WGS84")) +
mapview(my_grid |> st_transform(crs = "+proj=webmerc +datum=WGS84"))
# using st_warp instead of st_transform seems to simply reproduce what is done by mapview in the backgroud
mapview(st_as_stars(value1_raster) |> st_warp(crs = "+proj=webmerc +datum=WGS84")) +
mapview(my_grid |> st_transform(crs = "+proj=webmerc +datum=WGS84"))
Various calls to other plotting approaches that seem to work fine :
# The raster and the vector grid are correctly
# plotted with a simple call to plot on the terra objects :
plot(value1_raster, reset = TRUE)
lines(my_grid, col = "red")
# Using stars, we can also have a correct alignment of a curvilinear raster grid with the vector
# This is what I would expect to see in mapview
stars::st_as_stars(value1_raster) |>
st_transform(crs = "+proj=webmerc +datum=WGS84") |>
plot(reset = FALSE)
my_grid |> st_transform(crs = "+proj=webmerc +datum=WGS84") |> st_geometry() |>
plot(add = TRUE, reset = FALSE, border = "red", lwd = 2, color = NA)
# Same with ggplot :
ggplot() +
geom_stars(data = st_transform(st_as_stars(value1_raster),
crs = "+proj=webmerc +datum=WGS84"),
alpha = 0.8, downsample = c(0, 0, 0)) +
geom_sf(data = st_transform(my_grid, crs = "+proj=webmerc +datum=WGS84"),
color = "red", fill = NA) +
Again, as pointed out by Robert Hijmans, one way to get a correct plot in mapview would be to use the Mercator projection from the beginning. But that does not seem to be a usable solution in real life where you might need other projections adapted to your local conditions to compute areas, distances, etc.
my_cellsize <- 50000
nc <- st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf")) |>
st_transform(crs = "+proj=webmerc +datum=WGS84")
my_grid <- st_make_grid(nc, cellsize = my_cellsize)
my_grid <- st_sf(GridID = 1:length(my_grid), my_grid)
my_grid <- my_grid[nc,]
my_grid$value1 <- rnorm(nrow(my_grid))
template = rast(vect(my_grid), res = my_cellsize)
value1_raster <- rasterize(vect(my_grid), template, field = "value1")
mapview(st_as_stars(value1_raster)) + mapview(st_as_sf(as.lines(vect(my_grid))))