evolution copied to clipboard
Complete retirement of maptools, rgdal, rgeos and rgrass7
Tick list @edzer @Nowosad @michaeldumelle @rhijmans @rubak :
- [x] Inform R-universe https://github.com/r-universe-org/help/issues/286, r-hub https://github.com/r-hub/rhub/issues/568, Debian Bug #1049438 https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1049438#31, Fedora https://pagure.io/R/fedora-r-packages/issue/4, Anaconda request (39931), Bioconductor https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/bioc-devel/2023-June/019727.html, https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/bioc-devel/2023-August/019858.html
- [x] Submit and publish
2.1-0 (on CRAN 2023-10-02 https://cran.r-project.org/package=sp); retiring packages dropped, https://github.com/edzer/sp/pull/138#event-10520184481 - [x] Create
on this repo with current binary packages for macOS and Windows ofmaptools
(2023-10-02) - [x] Post two-week warning on ML https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-geo/2023-October/029344.html and SM https://fosstodon.org/@rsbivand/111170143047903438 https://x.com/RogerBivand/status/1709124072620130324?s=20
- [x] By 2023-10-09 add github repo comments and email maintainers of all affected packages not yet updated (current state with dates for one-week final warnings (email and/or github issue comment): mclo_finals.csv
- [x] Friday 2023-10-13 email CRAN with archiving request for
for 2023-10-16 European daytime, with updated expected direct failure package count: about 90 will fail, about 80 packages have adequately conditioned weak dependencies, but will fail with_R_CHECK_FORCE_SUGGESTS_=true
, about 120 packages are no longer vulnerable. - [x] 2023-10-16 European daytime: CRAN archived
- [x] Following the archiving of retiring packages, failing reverse dependency packages will be archived as check failures cascade through the archive network. No grace period as package maintainers have been warned directly (some as early as December 2022) and indirectly (on load package startup messages).
- [x] During week 42 (16-20 October), submit and publish
2.1-1 removing default on-load startup messages https://github.com/rsbivand/sp/commit/15346cc02e9cc30e7d7a8dc3f9d63af977658e56 Published 2023-10-16 - [x] Contact all maintainers of packages with residual weak dependencies on retiring packages in addition to CRAN's bulk email after 2023-10-16
- [x] Update Spatial Task View
- [ ] Update tags description on Stack Overflow and GIS Stack Exchange #22, https://stackoverflow.com/tags/rgdal/info done 2023-10-20, https://stackoverflow.com/tags/r-maptools/info, https://gis.stackexchange.com/tags/rgeos/info, https://gis.stackexchange.com/tags/rgdal/info
@edzer is submitting sp
2.1-1 feasible now?
My research is heavily dependent on the package "seg" which was removed from CRAN due to RGDAL and RGRASS7 retiring. I see that you have added comments to the repository warning about the impending retirement but the developer seems unresponsive. Are there any resources on how to replace those dependencies in case I'd want to update the package by myself and use a local build? What are the packages and functions that will continue to be maintained and that can replace RGDAL and RGRASS7 from now on?
The issue there is: https://github.com/syunhong/seg/issues/2. Please look at alternatives if they match seg
, maybe divseg
? @dosull @syunhong : is seg
likely to be resubmitted? If no, then @chihayakenji might consider taking over, perhaps?
The issue there is: syunhong/seg#2. Please look at alternatives if they match
, maybedivseg
? @DOSull @syunhong : isseg
likely to be resubmitted? If no, then @chihayakenji might consider taking over, perhaps?
Hej Roger,
Thank you for replying so promptly. I'll have a second look at divseg
, although last I saw it it didn't seem to compute the indices that I need. I have cloned @syunhong 's repo and am looking for ways to replace all the calls to sp
, rgrass6
, rgdal
, and such with sf
just in case I end up having to take over. On that I'll wait for a response from the Authors.
I am new to this and had been using RTools for sdm's; now, after the Rstudio update, it doesn't load tools. Both are 4.3. How can I fix it?
@CatinaVan Please never, ever, add a completely different topic to an existing github issue. Your query also has nothing to do with this repository. Please ask for help on any of Rstudio's (Posit's) communities. Note that Rtools is different from Rstudio, and is not a package. Perhaps try the same SDM workflow without using Rstudio, just running R itself.