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a minimal scripting language
min: a minimal scripting language
- min is a scripting language, whose specification & syntax aim to be minimalist.
- min is inspired by C, Python, Miniscript, Lua, Wren, and UCS.
- min is work-in-progress. everything can change. also, there are no complete compilers/interpreters available yet.
- min is free. specification and sources are mit0/bsd0/cc0/unlicense multi-licensed at your own choice.
existing implementations
- Vanilla, naive, incomplete WIP C interpreter can be found in min.c file (CC0/Unlicensed).
- goals: simple interpreter. but also a C transpiler and a Lua transpiler.
- goals: free, single-file, no deps, meaningful subset of the language, aims to <1000 LOC.
- non-goals: being efficent, robust, bulletproof, JIT, AOT and/or maintained.
- Others: xxx
// min language spec (v1.00 wip - 2022.10)
// - public domain.
/////////////////////////////////////////// operators
& | ~ ^ ! << >> // bitwise
< <= == != => > && || // conditional, logical
+ - * ** / % ++ -- @ [] . -> // arithmetical, indexing, member accessing (** for pow, [] or @ for indexing)
= += -= *= **= /= %= &= |= ~= ^= <<= >>= // assignments
//////////////////////////// types
'!' '\x1' '\u1234' // 32-bit char (ascii, hexadecimal and utf notations)
16 0x10 // 53-bit integer (decimal and hexadecimal notations)
16. 16.0 16.f // 64-bit float (different notations)
"16" '16' // string: both pairing quotes allowed
true false // bools: any mismatching condition, zero value or empty string/list/map eval to `false`; `true` otherwise
//////////////////////////// statements
statement(); // semi-colons at end of line are optional
multiple(); statements() // semi-colons between statements within same line are mandatory
{ more(); statements() } // multi-line scopes use {braced scopes}
: more(); statements() // single-line scopes from colon `:` till end of line
//////////////////////////// conditions
if(2+2 >= 4): put("Four") // parentheses in expressions are optional
elif "a"<"b": put("Sort") // unconstrained `else if` could also be used
else {put("Last resort")} // notice that classic {braced scopes} can also be used
sign = PI > 0 ? +1 : -1 // ternary operator `expr ? ... : ...`
//////////////////////////// loops
s = "Hello" //
while len(s) < 25: s+="!" // `while(expr) ...`
do { s += "Hi!" } // `do ... while(expr)`
while len(s) < 50 // loops may use `break`/`continue`/`return` to alter flow
//////////////////////////// functions (hint: `self` or `self_[anything]` named args are mutables)
triple(n=1): n*3 // optional arg `n`. optional `return` keyword; last stack value implicitly returned
triple() // 3
triple(5) // 15
triple(n=10) // 30. named argument
copy = triple // capture function
copy(10) // also 30
//////////////////////////// unified call syntax
len("hi"); "hi".len() // these two calls are equivalent...
add(s1,s2); s1.add(s2) // ...so these two as well
s1.add(s2).add(s3) // UCS allows chaining
//////////////////////////// strings
hi='hello' // strings can use "quotes" or 'quotes' at your discretion
string=f"{hi} world" // "hello world". f-interpolated string
string[1] // 'e'. positive indexing from first element [0]
string[-3] // 'r'. negative indexing from last element [-1]
string < string // comparison (<,>,==,!=)
string + string // "hello worldhello world". concatenation
string - string // "". removes all occurences of right string in left string
.hash() .len() .less() .index() .put() .quote() .assert()
.pop() .back() .del([:]) .find(ch) .rfind(ch) .starts(s) .ends(s) .split(s) .slice(i,j)
//////////////////////////// lists (either vector or linked-list at vendor discretion)
list = [2, 4, 6, 8] //
list[0] // 2. positive indexing from first element [0]
list[-2]=5 // [2,4,5,8]. negative indexing from last element [-1]
.len() .del([:]) .find(lst) .starts(lst) .ends(lst) .join(sep) .slice(i,j[,k]) .reverse() .shuffle() .index(i) .put()
///////////////////////////////// EXTENSIONS BELOW /////////////////////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////// EXTENSION: maps (either ordered or unordered at vendor discretion)
map = {"a":1,'b':2,c:3} // keys can be specified with different styles
map.a // 1
map->b // 2
map["c"] // 3
.len() .del([:]) .find(x) .keys(wc) .values(wc) .sort(op) .slice(i,j) .index(k) .put()
///////////////////////////////////////////////// EXTENSION: classes
// classes are maps with a special `isa` entry //
// that points to the parent class and is set //
// automatically at instance time. //
Shape = { sides: 0 } // plain data struct. methods below:
Shape(Shape self, n=1): self.sides=n // constructor
~Shape(Shape self): // destructor
degrees(Shape self): self.sides*180-360 // method
// instance base class //////////////////////////
Square = Shape(4) //
Square.isa // "Shape"
Square.sides // 4
// instance derived class ///////////////////////
x = Square() //
x.isa // "Square"
x.degrees() // 360
/////////////////////////////////// EXTENSION: extended if/while conditionals
if a = 10; a < b: put(a) // `init[...]; if cond:` alias
while a = 10; a < b: put(a) // `init[...]; while cond:` alias
/////////////////////////////////// EXTENSION: for
for a = 10; a < b; ++a: put(a) // `init[...]; while cond: {code;post}` alias
for i in 10..1: put(i + "...") //
/////////////////////////////////// EXTENSION: casts
int(val) // cast value to int. only if specialization exists
bool(val) // cast value to bool. only if specialization exists
char(val) // cast value to char. only if specialization exists
float(val) // cast value to float. only if specialization exists
string(val) // cast value to string. only if specialization exists
vec2(vec3 a) { vec2(a.x,a.y) } // define a custom vec3->vec2 specialization
vec2(v3) // vec3 to vec2 casting is allowed now
/////////////////////////////////// EXTENSION: match
match var { //
1: put('one') //
1..99: put('number') //
'a'..'z': put('letter') //
} //
/////////////////////////////////// EXTENSION: exceptions
throw("my exception message") // `throw(value)`, `thrown` keywords
msg = try(fn(x)) ? "ok" : thrown // `try(expression)` returns `true` if no exceptions were thrown; `false` otherwise
/////////////////////////////// EXTENSION: set theory
list+list or map+map // union [1,2]+[2,3] -> [1,2,3]
list-list or map-map // difference [1,2]-[2,3] -> [1]
list^list or map^map // intersection [1,2]^[2,3] -> [2]
/////////////////////////////// EXTENSION: slices [i:j] `i,j` are optional
map["b":"a"] // {b:2,a:1}. slices [i:j] from i up to j (included). defaults to [first_key:last_key]
list[-1:1] // [8,5,4]. slices [i:j] from i up to j (included). defaults to [0:-1]
string[7:9] // "wo". slices [i:j] from i up to j (included). defaults to [0:-1]
string[7:] // "world"
string[-1:0] // "dlrow olleh"
/////////////////////////////// EXTENSION: ranges [i..j[..k]]
3..0 // [3,2,1,0]. returns list of integers from 3 up to 0 (included)
7..0..3 // [7,4,1,0]. returns list of integers from 7 up to 0 (included) 3 steps each
'A'..'D' // [A,B,C,D]. returns list of chars from A up to D (included)
//////////////////////////// EXTENSION: in
for i in -1..1: put(i) // returns iterator that walks lists,maps and objects -> -1 0 1
for k,v in vec2: put(k,v) // iterate key/value pairs of given object type -> "isa""vec2" "x"0 "y"0
// `while i in 10..1` is also valid
////////////////////////// EXTENSION: lambdas
mul = 5 //
calc = fn(n): n*mul // `fn` keyword denotes a following lambda function
calc(10) // 50
/////////////////////// EXTENSION: eval
eval("1+2") // 3
put(f"{1+2}==3") // "3==3". any {moustache} in a f-string redirects to an internal `eval` operator call
///////////////////// EXTENSION: templates
fn min(T a, T b): // single-capital-letters will expand to different types when used
a < b ? a : b //
/////////////// EXTENSION: dlsym
sin(3.14159) // foreign calls are implicitly passed to underlying runtime via `dlsym()` call
////////////// EXTENSION: typeof
typeof(3.0) // "float"
typeof(v2) // "vec2"
// preprocessor and pragmas: @todoc
// ffi and C abi convention: @todoc
// constness, symbol visibility: @todoc
// embedding, calling from/to C: @todoc func = dlsym("int puts(const char *)@my_dll"); put(func)
// std modules: matching math.h, string.h, stdio.h @todoc
// match: see rust
// keywords: true/false if/elif/else for/in/do/while break/continue/return fn isa @todoc
// modules: put("once") ; return fn(x) { ... } --- x = import('file.src', 'init args'...)