rlas copied to clipboard
lidR::readLAS for most las files even lesser 50KB is crashing R
Newest version of lidR:: readLas is crashing R, even for the las files that are smaller than 50Kb (files aren't corrupt). I can read them in CloudCompare, python but not in lidR? The error message I got was An irrecoverable exception occurred. R is aborting now
caught segfault *** address (nil), cause 'memory not mapped'`
I can send one such file for your testing.
I indeed need the file. Have you ever been able to read the file in R?
Thanks for your quick response. The attached is one of the las file that is crashing R .
Seems to be related to extrabytes
# works
rlas::read.las("~/Téléchargements/08nd0862.dams__clipped_polygon_2.las", select = "")
rlas::read.las("~/Téléchargements/08nd0862.dams__clipped_polygon_2.las", select = "* -0")
# crashes
rlas::read.las("~/Téléchargements/08nd0862.dams__clipped_polygon_2.las", select = "1")
great this works. Thank you
I don't know where I put your file. Did you send it to me by email? What is your name so I can find your email.
nidhi23ug commented on Jan 21, 2023 via email
Yup, the mail should have the file 08nd0862.dams__clipped_polygon_2.las
That makes sense... I found it!