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`use_tidy_upkeep()` tweaks

Open jennybc opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments

This is more motivated by Spring Cleaning: maybe we could add more of our standard pkgdown stuff (e.g. the whole template section, maybe with plausible filled out correctly, dev mode set to auto).

jennybc avatar Mar 04 '22 19:03 jennybc

The badge changes can potentially be enacted by various steps (so implicitly vs. explicitly). Consider if that can be rationalized.

Re-word certain items that are more of a suggestion than a requirement.

jennybc avatar Mar 04 '22 19:03 jennybc

Possible wording: "Consider running use_tidy_dependencies()"

hadley avatar Mar 07 '22 14:03 hadley

  • Update hex logo for packages

Some of our packages (mostly on tidymodels side) have quite excessive logo.png sizes. Below is the logos I found for my installed packages

fs::dir_info("~/Desktop/all-hexes") |>
  dplyr::select(path, size) |>
#> # A tibble: 103 × 2
#>    path                                                            size
#>    <fs::path>                                               <fs::bytes>
#>  1 /Users/emilhvitfeldt/Desktop/all-hexes/butcher.png              908K
#>  2 /Users/emilhvitfeldt/Desktop/all-hexes/furrr.png                895K
#>  3 /Users/emilhvitfeldt/Desktop/all-hexes/spatialsample.png        853K
#>  4 /Users/emilhvitfeldt/Desktop/all-hexes/tidypredict.png          820K
#>  5 /Users/emilhvitfeldt/Desktop/all-hexes/corrr.png                253K
#>  6 /Users/emilhvitfeldt/Desktop/all-hexes/modeldb.png              244K
#>  7 /Users/emilhvitfeldt/Desktop/all-hexes/censored.png             232K
#>  8 /Users/emilhvitfeldt/Desktop/all-hexes/parsnip.png              197K
#>  9 /Users/emilhvitfeldt/Desktop/all-hexes/broom.png                191K
#> 10 /Users/emilhvitfeldt/Desktop/all-hexes/shiny.png                179K
#> # … with 93 more rows

There are also cases with duplicate logos such as in butcher.

fs::path(.libPaths()[1], "butcher") |>
  fs::dir_info(recurse = TRUE) |>
  dplyr::select(path, size) |>
    path = stringr::str_remove(path, ".*butcher/"),
    perc = as.numeric(size) / sum(as.numeric(size))
  ) |>
#> # A tibble: 51 × 3
#>    path                                  size    perc
#>    <chr>                          <fs::bytes>   <dbl>
#>  1 help/figures/butcher.png           907.52K 0.432  
#>  2 help/figures/logo.png              907.52K 0.432  
#>  3 R/butcher.rdb                      137.41K 0.0654 
#>  4 help/butcher.rdb                    84.43K 0.0402 
#>  5 html/00Index.html                   16.32K 0.00777
#>  6 help/AnIndex                         3.69K 0.00176
#>  7 extdata-scripts/keras.R              3.37K 0.00160
#>  8 NAMESPACE                               3K 0.00143
#>  9 extdata-scripts/train.recipe.R       2.49K 0.00118
#> 10 R/butcher.rdx                        2.18K 0.00104
#> # … with 41 more rows

All the hexes got updated to no longer have the url on them, so we should update everything anyways. Most of our packages can be fixed by running usethis::use_logo("")

EmilHvitfeldt avatar Nov 11 '22 21:11 EmilHvitfeldt

Might be worth adding use_tidy_logo() that knew to look there.

hadley avatar Nov 15 '22 15:11 hadley

Switch to pak in README? Only show how to install dev version on dev version of site?

hadley avatar Jan 11 '23 21:01 hadley

Another possible bullet:

  • Add alt-text to pictures, plots, etc; see for examples

hfrick avatar Feb 22 '23 13:02 hfrick