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Results 154 usethis issues
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In RStudio, creating a new project via: File > New Directory > New Project or File > New Directory > Quarto Project seems to do the same thing, the only...

docs 💡

It's no longer necessary since in most cases you don't need to use any rlang functions. @lionel-

code :desktop_computer:

I am trying to push to Github on an already created repository. I use usethis to clone a Repo, and now I wanna update and push some new files, lamentably...

Some GitHub users have mixed case usernames (hello @MilesMcBain), but this trips up `pr_init()`: ```r pr_init("run_script") #> Error in `stop_bad_github_remote_config()`: #> ! Unsupported GitHub remote configuration: 'fork_upstream_is_not_origin_parent' #> • Host...

very basic question i'm afraid.. but i'm trying to create a DESCRIPTION file with `usethis::use_description` for a project (not a package) so that i can then use `renv::settings$snapshot.type("explicit")` and limit...

Often when writing a new package I find myself simply lifting scripts like [`compat-purrr.R`]( from the _{rlang}_ source-code to avoid taking on more dependencies than necessary. I think formalising this...

tidy :sparkles:

Gitignore consistency between function and IDE wizard ```r usethis::create_from_github( "" ) ``` creates gitignore with 1 file extension: .Rproj.user File->New Project->Version Control->Git->Create Project creates .gitignore with 4: .Rproj.user .Rhistory .RData...


I would like for a function called `use_agpl3_license()` similar to `use_gpl3_license()` because I use the AGPL-3 license.