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Running coro in R scripts

Open Fabrice-Clement opened this issue 3 years ago • 2 comments


Nice R package that I love to use now !

I would like to use coro in a R script, but when I run the example with Rscript, it ends immediatly.

How can I wait the termination of the promise before R exits ?

The only ( and dirty ) solution I found is :

# mycoroScript.R
# see
promises::promise_all( async_count_down(5), async_count_up(5) ) %>%  then( function(value) {
        writeLines("q( status = 0)", f <- file("/tmp/fifo", raw=T) ); close(f)

To run it from bash :
$ ( mkfifo /tmp/fifo; cat mycoroScript.R; cat /tmp/fifo)  | R --interactive --no-save

Thanks for your advice !

Fabrice-Clement avatar Mar 04 '21 13:03 Fabrice-Clement


Unfortunately this is not officially possible with promises. That's something that I would like to become possible in the future though. If you'd like to use an unsupported workaround in the meantime, see the implementation of wait_for() in

lionel- avatar Mar 04 '21 14:03 lionel-

Hello lionel,

Thanks for your reply ! After reading your wait_for code and the fact that it is based on later, I do that :

.Last <- while( ! later::loop_empty() ) later::run_now(timeoutSecs = Inf, all = TRUE, loop = later::global_loop())

In fact, waiting for all promises to complete before R exits just fits my needs.

All the best

Fabrice-Clement avatar Mar 05 '21 09:03 Fabrice-Clement