rhub copied to clipboard
Error in loadNamespace(name) : there is no package called 'utf8'
using R Under development (unstable) (2020-04-22 r78281) (1.2s) ─ using platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32 (64-bit)
Different runs can produce different packages that are not available. I had 'pillar' not available twice in a row.
I preparation for a CRAN submission of github.com/rmsharp/nprcgenekeepr
checking examples with --run-donttest (26.8s) Running examples in 'nprcgenekeepr-Ex.R' failed The error most likely occurred in:
base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
Name: makeRelationClassesTable
Title: Make relation classes table from 'kin' dataframe.
Aliases: makeRelationClassesTable
** Examples
No test:
library(nprcgenekeepr) suppressMessages(library(dplyr))
qcPed <- nprcgenekeepr::qcPed bkmat <- kinship(qcPed$id, qcPed$sire, qcPed$dam, qcPed$gen,
sparse = FALSE)
kin <- convertRelationships(bkmat, qcPed) relClasses <- makeRelationClassesTable(kin) relClasses$
Relationship Class
<- as.character(relClasses$Relationship Class
) relClassTbl <- kin[!kin$relation == "Self", ] %>%
- summarise(count = n())
- group_by(relation) %>% Error in loadNamespace(name) : there is no package called 'utf8' Calls: <Anonymous> ... loadNamespace -> withRestarts -> withOneRestart -> doWithOneRestart Execution halted
I have a similar problem when preparing for a CRAN submission for joelgombin/banR.
When running rhub::check_for_cran()
, I get:
checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... Note_to_CRAN_maintainers
Maintainer: 'Joel Gombin <[email protected]>'
✓ checking package namespace information
E checking package dependencies
Package required but not available: 'utf8'
I actually tried to include utf8 because otherwise the vignette building would fail with: there is no package called 'utf8'
This is probably the same as this issue: https://github.com/r-hub/rhub/issues/367#issuecomment-621757715
I'm runing into the same problem:
* checking examples with --run-donttest ... ERROR
Running examples in 'swissdd-Ex.R' failed
The error most likely occurred in:
> base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
> ### Name: canton_json_to_dfr
> ### Title: Transform a opendata.swiss cantonal results json into a tibble
> ### Aliases: canton_json_to_dfr
> ### ** Examples
> #most recent vote
> results <- canton_json_to_dfr()
> # transform the json for a single votedate at counting district level
> canton_json_to_dfr(votedate="2020-02-09",geolevel = "zh_counting_districts")
Error in loadNamespace(name) : there is no package called 'utf8'
Calls: <Anonymous> ... loadNamespace -> withRestarts -> withOneRestart -> doWithOneRestart
Execution halted
Did you try the workaround referred to in the previous comment?
Yes and it works fine.
Thanks :)
Just to clarify things for others looking at this same issue: I used the below as recommended by @gaborcsardi - it fixed my utf8 build issue.
env_vars=c(R_COMPILE_AND_INSTALL_PACKAGES = "always")